Wednesday, June 29, 2005
Sunday, June 26, 2005
即將跟住了2X年的房子說bye bye了!
剛才就去看一下那天花板﹐果然還是可以形成那只天鵝的圖案! (證明腦筋還是一樣的怪XD)
剛才就去看一下那天花板﹐果然還是可以形成那只天鵝的圖案! (證明腦筋還是一樣的怪XD)
Thursday, June 23, 2005
真丟臉! >_<
真丟臉啊~!!!!! *雙手遮臉*
不過今天接到了一個好消息..網上訂的春tour goods已經寄出去了! (終於)
這次郵費特別的貴..有點被嚇到..vpost有提高價錢嗎? 還是goods特別重?! 不會吧..只訂幾樣而已..(錢包都已經在抗議了~)
那...算一算﹐下個星期才寄到我這裡吧...這次指定了goods寄到離公司不遠的郵政局...對了﹐說到工作﹐今天又接了一個消息(今天那麼多消息!)﹐說我部門的唯一另外一位同事九月會被調到別部門. 當時我腦子裡的第一反應就是:"那麼我準備申請的11月假期會被批准嗎!??" 不會因為部門只省下我就不批准我的leave吧!! 我可是非拿不可的啊!!! 不可以這樣耍我..........
真丟臉啊~!!!!! *雙手遮臉*
不過今天接到了一個好消息..網上訂的春tour goods已經寄出去了! (終於)
這次郵費特別的貴..有點被嚇到..vpost有提高價錢嗎? 還是goods特別重?! 不會吧..只訂幾樣而已..(錢包都已經在抗議了~)
那...算一算﹐下個星期才寄到我這裡吧...這次指定了goods寄到離公司不遠的郵政局...對了﹐說到工作﹐今天又接了一個消息(今天那麼多消息!)﹐說我部門的唯一另外一位同事九月會被調到別部門. 當時我腦子裡的第一反應就是:"那麼我準備申請的11月假期會被批准嗎!??" 不會因為部門只省下我就不批准我的leave吧!! 我可是非拿不可的啊!!! 不可以這樣耍我..........
mid-week bluez~
reading and humming the lyrics of [雨] together with the CD while it was playing just now, and.. i suddenly DID have this nostalgic feeling running over me!! so what tatsurou mentioned was indeed true.. you gotta sing the song to understand that!!! *stunned*
on a separate note... waiting for 溫泉會's reply to my order... *twiddles fingers & frowns*
on a separate note... waiting for 溫泉會's reply to my order... *twiddles fingers & frowns*
Tuesday, June 21, 2005
這個星期的session band活動好多!
真的會只圍著毛巾演出嗎?! :D!!
sign on 的人每旦上網時﹐如果同時也在用電腦播放歌曲的話﹐這些歌的資料就會傳到網站去.
(他們還會把'mucc' 改成日語﹐不錯嘛!)
真的會只圍著毛巾演出嗎?! :D!!
sign on 的人每旦上網時﹐如果同時也在用電腦播放歌曲的話﹐這些歌的資料就會傳到網站去.
(他們還會把'mucc' 改成日語﹐不錯嘛!)
Monday, June 20, 2005
激樂! 激樂!
Posting in English again only because I'm lacking time and I tend to type faster in English (though not necessarily making more sense i know!!)
Tonight's dedicated to Gekigakutai! YEAH! *pumps fist into air* Not forgetting tonight was also their 2nd live act this season, this time in Osaka. Coming up next: Nagoya two nights later! (darn! now why didn't i get myself posted to World Expo this wk!!)

激樂さんs (don't be fooled by their melancholic pose!)
Anyway, on to their mini-album. One word: FUN! Seriously (<--oxymoronic!), it's fun, fun, FUN! Hard not to smile when you're listening to it :D Had to get used to Kazuei (Kyousuke)'s raw voice but then again that's partly what lends a spontaneous edge to the music. The other parts are the instruments of course! Including Miya's...oops, i mean Yaguchi's guitars! YEAH!! (you can see i'm on a sugar high tonite - blame it on the after-dinner desserts) I love hearing Yaguchi's playing, arrangement and melodies cos he sounds so spontaneous here. I love even more the wonderful combination that is Neguchi Masaei XD XD XD Favourite song in the album is one such composition: [無苦]!
No wait. Favourite song is a tie between that and the bonus track, where each freaking member takes turns singing a small portion of one of their main band's songs. Yaguchi sang [溺れる魚], but hey it was too short! Less than a line, yea!~ XD What's best about the bonus track was the sense that you have this bunch of people who are good friends coming together to jam and play and all they want to do is share their joy with you. :)
Tonight's dedicated to Gekigakutai! YEAH! *pumps fist into air* Not forgetting tonight was also their 2nd live act this season, this time in Osaka. Coming up next: Nagoya two nights later! (darn! now why didn't i get myself posted to World Expo this wk!!)

激樂さんs (don't be fooled by their melancholic pose!)
Anyway, on to their mini-album. One word: FUN! Seriously (<--oxymoronic!), it's fun, fun, FUN! Hard not to smile when you're listening to it :D Had to get used to Kazuei (Kyousuke)'s raw voice but then again that's partly what lends a spontaneous edge to the music. The other parts are the instruments of course! Including Miya's...oops, i mean Yaguchi's guitars! YEAH!! (you can see i'm on a sugar high tonite - blame it on the after-dinner desserts) I love hearing Yaguchi's playing, arrangement and melodies cos he sounds so spontaneous here. I love even more the wonderful combination that is Neguchi Masaei XD XD XD Favourite song in the album is one such composition: [無苦]!
No wait. Favourite song is a tie between that and the bonus track, where each freaking member takes turns singing a small portion of one of their main band's songs. Yaguchi sang [溺れる魚], but hey it was too short! Less than a line, yea!~ XD What's best about the bonus track was the sense that you have this bunch of people who are good friends coming together to jam and play and all they want to do is share their joy with you. :)
Recent thoughts
Mucc first, of course! :)
The single [雨のオーケストラ] has been playing in my home AV, portable AV and.. head!.. for the whole week now ;)
The single didn't do too badly at the charts.. debuting at No. 14, then 15 (hope i remembered the second day ranking correctly..) and 20 for 3 days in a row.. it also made it to the weekly rating @ No. 20. Some muccers also pointed us towards the CDTV charts where it's just come in at No. 20 on the weekly ranking.
Omedetou~ :) :D
[雨のオーケストラ] is one helluva good song. I find it interesting that quite a number of the English-speaking listeners (well at least the more vocal ones) don't seem to like this song, saying it's a rip off The Back Horn's [Kizuna Song]. This comparison, to me, is totally meaningless! Really, I see nothing in common between the two songs except for the fact that they both have strings in them. The atmosphere, melody, lyrics, music arrangement.. they're totally different!!
I think a song's successful when, after listening to it for some time, you can't imagine the song being done any differently. Because everything about it just fits into itself so well. [雨] is exactly that. It's like.. it's exactly what I think mucc would sound like with strings.
[雨] will also be the single reason for me to consider popping into Japan in Dec for Mucc's tour finale. *crosses fingers*
The other track in this single that I love v much is [死生、命あり]. It's reminiscent of Miya's style of late (meaning like in Kuchiki where it can be hard-hitting yet very melodious), which I like a lot. Tatsurou also seems to shine with such a style.. this song's a very good showcase of his vocals.
Now the last track..[語り部の詩]..to be frank when I first heard it, it threw me off. Quite a bit, actually. Not something I thought would come from Mucc. It's not a bad song, and it's not that I will skip it when it comes on in the player, but it's just not particularly memorable. & I'm not sure why, but when I saw that it was Yukke's melody, I was quite surprised too. Well, the good thing is, after understanding the lyrics, it's been better with a few listens. Still, I hope this is not the direction that Mucc is headed.
On the whole, I prefer this single compared to the previous one. & that speaks wonders for it considering I kinda liked the previous single too! (can you trust a muccer to be objective? you must, k! most muccers i know are.. or at least seem to be! or am i just not being objective about muccers? XD XD)
Oops...wanted to write more about other stuff, but once again my bed beckons..-_-; tomorrow'll be Part II then!
The single [雨のオーケストラ] has been playing in my home AV, portable AV and.. head!.. for the whole week now ;)
The single didn't do too badly at the charts.. debuting at No. 14, then 15 (hope i remembered the second day ranking correctly..) and 20 for 3 days in a row.. it also made it to the weekly rating @ No. 20. Some muccers also pointed us towards the CDTV charts where it's just come in at No. 20 on the weekly ranking.
Omedetou~ :) :D
[雨のオーケストラ] is one helluva good song. I find it interesting that quite a number of the English-speaking listeners (well at least the more vocal ones) don't seem to like this song, saying it's a rip off The Back Horn's [Kizuna Song]. This comparison, to me, is totally meaningless! Really, I see nothing in common between the two songs except for the fact that they both have strings in them. The atmosphere, melody, lyrics, music arrangement.. they're totally different!!
I think a song's successful when, after listening to it for some time, you can't imagine the song being done any differently. Because everything about it just fits into itself so well. [雨] is exactly that. It's like.. it's exactly what I think mucc would sound like with strings.
[雨] will also be the single reason for me to consider popping into Japan in Dec for Mucc's tour finale. *crosses fingers*
The other track in this single that I love v much is [死生、命あり]. It's reminiscent of Miya's style of late (meaning like in Kuchiki where it can be hard-hitting yet very melodious), which I like a lot. Tatsurou also seems to shine with such a style.. this song's a very good showcase of his vocals.
Now the last track..[語り部の詩]..to be frank when I first heard it, it threw me off. Quite a bit, actually. Not something I thought would come from Mucc. It's not a bad song, and it's not that I will skip it when it comes on in the player, but it's just not particularly memorable. & I'm not sure why, but when I saw that it was Yukke's melody, I was quite surprised too. Well, the good thing is, after understanding the lyrics, it's been better with a few listens. Still, I hope this is not the direction that Mucc is headed.
On the whole, I prefer this single compared to the previous one. & that speaks wonders for it considering I kinda liked the previous single too! (can you trust a muccer to be objective? you must, k! most muccers i know are.. or at least seem to be! or am i just not being objective about muccers? XD XD)
Oops...wanted to write more about other stuff, but once again my bed beckons..-_-; tomorrow'll be Part II then!
Thursday, June 16, 2005
10月啊! 好遠呢~~~~~
不過說真的﹐越聽就越愛[雨]. (好感人!)
最近也一直在聽激樂さんs的[東京]. 改天一定要寫一寫對於這張專輯的感想﹐因為是一張聽得很過癮的專輯! bagus~!
現在睏了, 眼睛..快.張.不.開.了...
不過說真的﹐越聽就越愛[雨]. (好感人!)
最近也一直在聽激樂さんs的[東京]. 改天一定要寫一寫對於這張專輯的感想﹐因為是一張聽得很過癮的專輯! bagus~!
現在睏了, 眼睛..快.張.不.開.了...
Sunday, June 12, 2005
countdown begins
因為無聊﹐所以整理了一下秋tour場地的access maps... 也加了場地可以容納的人數 (不過有些網上找不到).
他們的行程很恐怖!! 這種行程是普通人可以承受的嗎?? 有些場地真的很小. 找到広島Namiki Junction容量的時候還有點不敢相信--真有那麼小嗎!? Zepp Nagoya之所以有那麼奇怪的數字﹐是因為包括了二樓的座席. 至於国立代々木第二体育館嘛..我就不大清楚了...其實還搞不清楚這個場地stage是怎麼擺的.
10.11 仙台 CLUB JUNK BOX map 400人
10.13 旭川 HIJACK web(address but no map)
10.14 札幌ペニーレーン24 map 500人
10.16 函館フライデーナイトクラブ map 400人
10.18 青森クォーター map 350人
10.20 郡山 HIP SHOT map
10.24 新潟 LOTS map 700人
10.26 長野 CLUB JUNK BOX map 400人
10.28 金澤 Eight Hall map
11.05 高知キャラバンサライ map
11.07 広島ナミキジャンクション map 250人
11.08 広島ナミキジャンクション (如上)
11.10 米子ベリエ map
11.12 熊本 DRUM Be-9 map 350人
11.14 福岡 DRUM Be-1 map 350人
11.15 福岡 DRUM Be-1 (如上)
11.17 岡山アクトロン map 700人
12.06 なんば Hatch map 1500人
12.08 Zepp Nagoya map 1792人
12.19 国立代々木第二体育館 map 3202人
他們的行程很恐怖!! 這種行程是普通人可以承受的嗎?? 有些場地真的很小. 找到広島Namiki Junction容量的時候還有點不敢相信--真有那麼小嗎!? Zepp Nagoya之所以有那麼奇怪的數字﹐是因為包括了二樓的座席. 至於国立代々木第二体育館嘛..我就不大清楚了...其實還搞不清楚這個場地stage是怎麼擺的.
10.11 仙台 CLUB JUNK BOX map 400人
10.13 旭川 HIJACK web(address but no map)
10.14 札幌ペニーレーン24 map 500人
10.16 函館フライデーナイトクラブ map 400人
10.18 青森クォーター map 350人
10.20 郡山 HIP SHOT map
10.24 新潟 LOTS map 700人
10.26 長野 CLUB JUNK BOX map 400人
10.28 金澤 Eight Hall map
11.05 高知キャラバンサライ map
11.07 広島ナミキジャンクション map 250人
11.08 広島ナミキジャンクション (如上)
11.10 米子ベリエ map
11.12 熊本 DRUM Be-9 map 350人
11.14 福岡 DRUM Be-1 map 350人
11.15 福岡 DRUM Be-1 (如上)
11.17 岡山アクトロン map 700人
12.06 なんば Hatch map 1500人
12.08 Zepp Nagoya map 1792人
12.19 国立代々木第二体育館 map 3202人
Thursday, June 09, 2005
啊~! 秋のツアー行程出了!!!
(yuj, 今晚會不會上MSN啊!)
達新icon也出現了!!! 一看到就忍不住大笑起來^O^ (icon表情好像有點委屈的樣子﹐但又超可愛!達總是可以抓到重點﹐不得不佩服他!)
CD今天收到了. 沒想到隨CD送了張海報! 而且是雙面海報! 起初看到捲起來的海報的'花紋'時﹐還在懷疑到底是屬於Bleach soundtrack的還是mucc的. 不過一看到[雨]封面就立刻曉得是mucc的了! 只是..團員的臉都看不大清楚(太暗了!), 雙面海報嘛..也不捨得用吧!
我現在是興奮到了極點! 好想跟其他muccer談天說地﹐分享這份喜悅 ^___^
~不過其實心裡知道此時此刻世界各地的muccer都一樣的在這一天'慶祝'﹐這份快樂也就自然而然的增加了好幾倍了! ^^
(yuj, 今晚會不會上MSN啊!)
達新icon也出現了!!! 一看到就忍不住大笑起來^O^ (icon表情好像有點委屈的樣子﹐但又超可愛!達總是可以抓到重點﹐不得不佩服他!)
CD今天收到了. 沒想到隨CD送了張海報! 而且是雙面海報! 起初看到捲起來的海報的'花紋'時﹐還在懷疑到底是屬於Bleach soundtrack的還是mucc的. 不過一看到[雨]封面就立刻曉得是mucc的了! 只是..團員的臉都看不大清楚(太暗了!), 雙面海報嘛..也不捨得用吧!
我現在是興奮到了極點! 好想跟其他muccer談天說地﹐分享這份喜悅 ^___^
~不過其實心裡知道此時此刻世界各地的muccer都一樣的在這一天'慶祝'﹐這份快樂也就自然而然的增加了好幾倍了! ^^