Saturday, January 28, 2006


他們華文說得不錯嘛! (不過晋二好像把整團人稱為自己名字了! XD)


(怎麼TBH做的總是我想mucc 做的呢?!)
不管! 下次的日本旅一定一定一定要再看他們才行!!!!!!

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Just watched this week's [十分头条], and it has just reinforced something that's been bothering me all this while, and especially this past week.
That our national policies are being formed and decided upon by a bunch of people who may have the brains but not the integrity. Nor empathy.
Am sick of arguing with these people who have all these lofty theoretical ideas about how things should work. Sitting comfortably in their offices (paid by tax-payers no less) and mingling only with peers who've been moulded the same way as them, thinking that they, and only they, have the brains to form policies for the country.

It also irks me that when it comes down to deciding on a policy that has both economic and social considerations, it is always the economic consideration that prevails. I'm not just talking about the casino issue.

And now I have to look back at the sentences that I have just typed, to see whether it's possible that someone brings me to court. It's ridiculous, simply ridiculous.

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Had a funny dream last night which revolved around a mucc mag interview where they said that they had received 10,000 signatures from Singapore telling them to come over to do a live.
Shock! Ha ha ha.. XD XD XD And then thinking to myself, eh, how come I didn't know about it???

Current Mucc song obsession: 友達(カレ)が死んだ日

Saturday, January 21, 2006

I've somewhat accepted the situation at the workplace (the situation was in fact what sparked off the last two pissed-sounding posts...gomen)...

On Fri my mood was still down, but there were a number of distractions... work emergencies, unspoken assurance from my boss, and a bittersweet night out.

Not sure if bittersweet would be the correct word to describe it... sometimes i wish i'm the kind of person who's able to talk to other people about personal issues... but i'm not. You can probably tell this from the fact that I don't even put anything that can allow strangers to identify me on this blog. Talking of which.. recently the issue of blogging has been brought up as a hot topic once again at my workplace... simply because one of S'pore's more famous bloggers is a colleague... yeah, there were some snidey remarks about what she wrote on her blog and such...*shrug*... all i know is, i'll never be comfortable going all out to make myself known via this blog. Call it hiding behind a veil, call it deceit, whatever.. on the contrary, i think i write more frankly this way.

Anyway. One more week to the CNY hols! I'll be left alone to play the role of the house guard-dog.. quite appropriate i guess, considering it's gonna be the Year of the Dog ^^ Not sure if the plan for one day of mahjong will come to fruition, but if not, then it'll be almost 3 whole days of rest. Yea.. can finally catch up on the stack of books at my bedside.

Friday, January 20, 2006

Listening to Daikirai single on repeat is SO DARN SATISFYING.

Damn, I miss old Mucc.
I know there's a serious lack of people willing to take up restaurant service jobs here, but you know it has become a dire situation when even a mid-upper tier Japanese restaurant here hires a phone receptionist who can't speak a decent sentence of English.

Me: "Hi, I'd like to make a reservation for two for tomorrow night at 7pm, please."
Receptionist: "Ha? Cannot."
Me: "Sorry? Do you accept reservations?"
Receptionist: "Ya. But got no more tomorre night."
Me: "Reservations are full? Do you accept walk-ins?"
Receptionist: "Cannot reserve ordredi. Fur."
(&, for the record, I cannot stand it when people can't say "already" properly. Just like saying "opportunity" as "oPOREtunity" The stress is on the "Op", dem it!!!)
I could go on.... cos it took me like 10 whole freaking minutes before I could figure out from the girl that they only allow 80% of the seats to be reserved.

And no, she is not Japanese so no excuses.

I'm sorry, I'm really pissed off today -about other stuff, so this has GOT to be a pissed-off entry, otherwise I won't be able to sleep tonight. I probably need to listen to Daikirai on repeat.


Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Gonna be dead broke in Feb...the whole world's releasing something!! Qchan solo single, Rice single, TBH single and DVD, Sid single, Mucc single, Lver DVD... orz...

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

"Meow-mewrion-meeeww?" = "Drop some of those Marion Crepes down here, will ya?"
On a separate note...
setlist for tonight's ebisu live...woa...
but there were some worried comments about tatsurou... hope he's alright... there's one more night to go...

Friday, January 13, 2006

Mucc在廣島Soleil City radio 現場訪問後拍的照﹐照片裡根本找不到我們幾個﹐只隱約看到我那位高身子的朋友.

反而是12月在逛台場時﹐無意間碰到一個團(サザーランド)在Decks Tokyo Bay Studio 現場演奏﹐就跟著湊熱鬧﹐結果團員拍的照片﹐可以看到我在後面傻笑!

爆笑!!! XD XD XD

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

That's my niece's one-year birthday cake, featuring Jack Jack! \(^^)/

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Yesh! Have finished the dorama and I finally understand why it was so warmly received last year. Firstly, it was absolutely hilarious, some parts had me 翻滾-ing on the floor! The script was tight, never a dull moment, and for a plot that revolves around nerds and the net, that's really something!

Kudos to all the BBS-netizens in the dorama... it must not have been easy to be only speaking and expressing emotions in front of your laptop (although, come to think of it, aren't we all doing that more frequently nowadays? XD) The casting for the dorama couldn't have been more appropriate...I don't think I can think of 電車男as anyone other than Itoh Atsushi from now on. Shiraishi Miho, who had a supporting but instrumental role in the dorama, was a pleasant surprise as well.. [teeny spoiler] I luv how the Imperial March sounds every time she appears on-screen...電車男even has that as the ringtone for her whenever she calls..heheehe. [/end of teeny spoiler]

As it's supposedly based on a true story, some chap actually has an archive of the BBS msgs...
電車男 BBS archive - Japanese
A very kind soul has also taken upon the task to translate the msgs into English!
電車男 BBS archive - English (work in progress!)

Highly recommended for anyone who needs a feel-good dorama dose.
Yeah! Proud to be a GEEK!
( ´ー`)

Monday, January 02, 2006

Watched [血と骨] with Qiu today...goodness, domestic violence was completely personified by the lead character, Kim Shunpei (played by Beat Takeshi). He had such total disregard for women and fact, anyone else besides himself. What was even more amazing was how everyone around him tolerated his behaviour...

On a much lighter note, started watching the first episode of [電車男] tonight. It's absolutely hilarious! Go Tsuyoshi! ;D

Afterthought~ (3 Jan 06, 11.30pm)
Besides the epic-ish theme of the movie, the other thing that struck me was how age fails to soften some people. There is, I suppose, a bit of Shunpei in every society.. like the old man who refuses to accept your seat in the crowded MRT even though he's struggling to keep balance in the train.. I tend to think that for such people, the core is hard so no matter how hard you bore into it, it's still difficult to penetrate. But people who do mellow with age, now these people have soft cores, but due to the environment, other people, life experiences...they build a hard layer around that core. With age, though, that layer peels off and that tender inner self is revealed once again.

Yes I do subscribe to the inner core-outer core concept. I'm obviously someone with a soft inner core...doesn't take much to reach through the layers and touch that core. Now whether that's good as someone who needs to manage people, I really don't know.. Today my officer handed in her resignation.. my first experience of someone whom I recommended the organization to hire quitting...and within half a year too. Though it's not a shock to me (as we're quite close and she's been discussing this issue with me for a month now), and it's clearly because she's pursuing a dream she's wondered about all her life, still, I can't help but wonder why I wasn't able to see that there wasn't a job fit right in the beginning. Managing people is such a different ball game compared to going more on the 'professional' route. But in the rat race, it's so tough to keep away from doing more management work as you continue to work & rise up the ranks.