Wednesday, September 28, 2005

I've realized that nowadays after I get back home from work, I'm usually too lazy to do any internet surfing and blogging and emailing.. I wonder why, really.. is surfing really a fad that's waning? or are there fewer and fewer sites worth visiting? Have I run out of the desire to express myself? Or perhaps it's just prolonged staring at laptop screens that's making me put off from staring at one after work. (now TV screens, that's different! :0))

Or perhaps it's just all this hype about blogging nowadays that's putting me off the whole thing. I mean, once upon a time, blogging was a personal thing that allowed the blogger a channel of expression and the bloggee an avenue into the blogger's mind. But now, it's like the IN thing, or something anyone who is in the know should be doing. Or whatever. Blah. Just brings the joy out of blogging, if you ask me.

The only thing I know I am really behind and wanna buck up on is emailing. I really should, and I do want to. Especially keeping in touch with friends who are already so hard to come by nowadays.

scenictour blogging @ work

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Happy Reverse Mucc Day!

Ahh... we find every reason to celebrate, don't we ;)

Well, it's been helluva busy.. at home and at work.. but it's funny y'know? no resentment on my side.. just worried that I seem to get tired more easily (siiggh.. it's old age lah!)
anyway... this might... it just might be... 江湖傳說中的 "job fit".

We truly learn something new every day.

Now on to the Mucc-ish concerns!..
1. Please let us get the live tics!!!
2. Please let it be a safe trip!!!
3. Please let the lives have wonderful setlists!!!
4. Please let them & us have a DESTRUCTION GOOD TIME!!! (i rabu engrish!)

In the meantime, can't wait to hear about Arashi fan's trip :D

BGM: am in a RHCP phase now!!!

Friday, September 02, 2005

Limerick Time! Part V/V

There once was a band named Mucc
Whose success was by no means a fluke
If ever one day
Their lives come your way
Remember to go take a look

I'm so silly... yes i even took pics of my room before I started packing for the move... soooo anyway, here's what one part of my room has looked like for the past x yrs...

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Limerick Time! Part IV/V

There once was a guy named Satochi
Who grew up in Mito City
There he met a Tatsuro
And ate lots of natto
Now isn't that incredibly... ... sexy!? :D

Limerick Time! Part III/V

There once was a guy named Yukke
Who was suspected of wearing a toupee
When asked, he said "No!"
"It's just shaped like a bowl!"
I guess it was just a bad-hair day!