Friday, March 28, 2008

志恩 Cont'd

Gosh, I'm not ashamed to say I'm captivated by a single band's music and they're making it hard for me to get distracted by other bands because they're just so darn GOOD!

I don't have anything bad to say about the English lyrics that they've included in the booklet this time round. Translations are subjective but I think it's clear that effort went into capturing the poetic essence of the Japanese lyrics, and it's certainly benefitted me on a personal level... at least it's speeded my understanding of the lyrics greatly, so i'm grateful. It'll also be easier for me to introduce this album to other friends. I'd still prefer if they stuck to ムック and less English in the credits, but it's not as important as the music. I couldn't help noticing "Masaaki Yaguchi" being credited for the programming for tracks 1, 3, 5, 11. Kudos to him, these tracks were quite appropriately programmed.

Lyrics-wise, it's a strong turn-out this time round. My favourites are:
- 達瑯's lyrics for 「アンジャベル」. What a unique way of presenting the theme and message of this song. 101 marks for originality, tatasama!
- ミヤ's lyrcis for 「蝉時雨」 and 「志恩」. Both prove one point: you don't need to have outrightly upbeat tracks like 'Flight' to bring a positive message across. I mentioned in my last post that the album came at the right time. Indeed ... at a tough time at work and home, these songs have given me new strength to carry things through and see life from a new perspective.


Melodies-wise, what can I say. They've been taking turns to stay in my head. At the moment it's 「小さな窓」. Vocals-wise, this is also one of the few songs in the album where we get to hear Tatsu in more raw form, perfect for this song.

Now: Counting down to the next live.

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Thursday, March 27, 2008


昨晚接到友人从日本传来的sms,sms开头是: "New album fuckin awesome..."



Fuckin awesome album indeed! マイ タイプ。第一感觉是民族风强+电子摇滚味道。Like I said before, to have 'Flight' sticking out like a sore thumb in this album can only be a good thing, haha hahaha.

「アンジャベル」果然是ミヤ的作品!「志恩」也是!「蝉時雨」编曲比之前在bootleg CD里听到的还棒。

每首都想听live版本。 The spine-tingling sensation of listening to this album can only be surpasssed, I'm sure, by hearing it live.


ps. 他们总是在我最需要的时候出现!

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