Monday, August 29, 2005

Limerick Time! Part II/V

There once was a guy named Miya
Who had a l'il pet chihwahwa
It had a weak bladder
And so it's no wonder
There's pee on his 7-string guitar

Limerick Time! Part I/V

There once was a guy named Tatsuro
Who was extremely fixated with his toe
That's why when he drives
And even in lives
Barefeet was the way to go

Sunday, August 28, 2005

*waves* i'm still alive, yes! :)

Absence here in the past week was mainly cos i was trying to meet an assignment deadline for a module on Chinese-English translation that i'm doing at a local University here..

A good part of the assignment consisted of an essay, and the topic I chose in the end (we could pick one out of three) was an argumentative essay on idol/hero-worship.

Geez... haven't written a proper essay for some time, so was rather rusty.

At the end, though, I was pretty happy with it.. hope it brings me good marks.

Also in the process of trying to reflect my views, it made me think about whether some of the views and theories that I expressed could apply to me..
I mean.. it's not like I'm some naive teenage angst-ridden girl anymore, but can't help but wonder why I am still interested in bands like mucc
Reason is probably very simple.. in the absence of other meaningful 'distractions', here is something that makes me .. i guess, enjoy being alive.

Guess it all boils down to that.

I'm just concerned.. don't ever want to show the 'symptoms' of hero-worshipping appearing, like 'projection' (where you project yr own feelings about the 'hero' onto the 'hero' himself), or the need to find 'ascertainment' by others in the choice of yr 'hero' (like when you get happy when yr 'hero', say a celebrity, is popular with others, cos that makes you proud of yr own choice in him).

When I look at my admiration for bands like mucc.. I can't say that it's only restricted to their music. Yeah, I know it's not just the music, cos it's hard in reality to separate the music from the person who made the music. Now whether that's a good thing, I don't know, but it's certainly human nature.
Like for me, I find it hard to explain how I look upon the mucc members.
I think the closest word I can think of is 'fondness'.
Almost like.. childhood friends whom I've lost contact with, but whom I still feel an attachment for, and wish to see them well and succeed in life.
Now why that's of a personal interest to me I don't know!
But perhaps.. for mucc it's cos I am grateful for the music + live experiences from this band.. very grateful in fact.. & on top of that I admire (even envy) something about them, which sets them apart from other bands that I know of. What that something is, I don't think I'll dwell too much on in this post.. maybe another time :) (and anyway, what that something is, is often a personal thing, and will always differ from person to person..)

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Introducing Roberto Junior! ^^
Bought him at Hushush about a month ago..
Now he sits on one of my speakers,
and he seems to have a soft spot for the liquid-paper-mushroom from yuj XD

Monday, August 15, 2005

用非常不客氣的語氣取笑這次去參加mucc euro lives 的日本muccer
還有﹐說日本muccer都在跳一些莫名其妙﹐類似Johnny Bravo (!) 的舞蹈
又一直把mucc跟diru比較 (雖然大多都覺得mucc的現場比較high, 不過對我來說﹐看了太多的這種比較﹐覺得累又毫無意思. 兩個band走的路線完全不同嘛﹗不過看來這次mucc的歐洲之旅真的贏了他們很多新粉絲)

~跳那支舞不就是mucc live的標誌嗎﹖又哪裡得罪了你們呢﹖


The other afterthought about how the whole Euro tour came about is:
多虧有象Soundlicious 那麼認真邀請(贊助)mucc過去的機構.

Saturday, August 13, 2005

Hungry for LVER! Hungry for Gekigakutai!

So envious of the audience at LVER All Night! >_<
This won't do!! *feels determined* I've GOT to plan the trip after next (gulp, planning so far ahead huh.. this ain't good..) to be around LVER and Gkgk lives (sorry mucc! XD). Uuurrrgghh...really really want to see their lives ne~

Monday, August 08, 2005

Summer is here! Was randomly surfing online shopping sites today and saw the Naoto yukata range. So cool!! Would love to see my friends wearing them...someone, buy one, please?? ^^

Sunday, August 07, 2005

Saturday, August 06, 2005


莫明緊張..mucc他們差不多15鐘後就wacken開演了..euro tour的第一炮..

來﹐分一下神﹐接過yuj的Book Baton :

太難算了! 放棄... ;)

Coin Locker babies by Ryu Murakami﹐
Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro 和
Life of Pi by Yann Martel

Life of Pi by Yann Martel

有特別感想、印象深刻的 5 本書(最多 5 本)
1。Momo by Michael Ende
可惜這本沒有他的Neverending Story那麼人氣

2。To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee

3。Sophie's World by Jostein Gaarder

4。The Unbearable Lightness of Being by Milan Kundera
The concept that lightness of being is unbearable is not as oxymoronic as it seems..and Kundera is a genius for illustrating it in this, what I'd call, a novel of ideas. In a way, all novels contain ideas, I suppose, but some more so than others. And some illustrate their ideas in a more powerful way, such as in this highly-recommended book.

5。Can't quite decide between A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess, or Fight Club by Chuck Palahniuk.
這兩本都對我的影像蠻大的..perhaps it's the mix of bleakness, violence and unsettling vibes..

就Qiu吧.. ^^

Monday, August 01, 2005

Mucc Europe Tour - 'extra-curricular activities'

Mucc Cosplay Contest
~with Mucc as the judges!
Plus the other contest (scroll to the bottom of that page), where 2 lucky people get to meet mucc backstage!

uuurrgghh... can you see that I'm dying of envy here... -_-
lucky pple in Europe, you! probably luckier than many muckers in Japan!