激樂! 激樂!
Posting in English again only because I'm lacking time and I tend to type faster in English (though not necessarily making more sense i know!!)
Tonight's dedicated to Gekigakutai! YEAH! *pumps fist into air* Not forgetting tonight was also their 2nd live act this season, this time in Osaka. Coming up next: Nagoya two nights later! (darn! now why didn't i get myself posted to World Expo this wk!!)

激樂さんs (don't be fooled by their melancholic pose!)
Anyway, on to their mini-album. One word: FUN! Seriously (<--oxymoronic!), it's fun, fun, FUN! Hard not to smile when you're listening to it :D Had to get used to Kazuei (Kyousuke)'s raw voice but then again that's partly what lends a spontaneous edge to the music. The other parts are the instruments of course! Including Miya's...oops, i mean Yaguchi's guitars! YEAH!! (you can see i'm on a sugar high tonite - blame it on the after-dinner desserts) I love hearing Yaguchi's playing, arrangement and melodies cos he sounds so spontaneous here. I love even more the wonderful combination that is Neguchi Masaei XD XD XD Favourite song in the album is one such composition: [無苦]!
No wait. Favourite song is a tie between that and the bonus track, where each freaking member takes turns singing a small portion of one of their main band's songs. Yaguchi sang [溺れる魚], but hey it was too short! Less than a line, yea!~ XD What's best about the bonus track was the sense that you have this bunch of people who are good friends coming together to jam and play and all they want to do is share their joy with you. :)
Tonight's dedicated to Gekigakutai! YEAH! *pumps fist into air* Not forgetting tonight was also their 2nd live act this season, this time in Osaka. Coming up next: Nagoya two nights later! (darn! now why didn't i get myself posted to World Expo this wk!!)

激樂さんs (don't be fooled by their melancholic pose!)
Anyway, on to their mini-album. One word: FUN! Seriously (<--oxymoronic!), it's fun, fun, FUN! Hard not to smile when you're listening to it :D Had to get used to Kazuei (Kyousuke)'s raw voice but then again that's partly what lends a spontaneous edge to the music. The other parts are the instruments of course! Including Miya's...oops, i mean Yaguchi's guitars! YEAH!! (you can see i'm on a sugar high tonite - blame it on the after-dinner desserts) I love hearing Yaguchi's playing, arrangement and melodies cos he sounds so spontaneous here. I love even more the wonderful combination that is Neguchi Masaei XD XD XD Favourite song in the album is one such composition: [無苦]!
No wait. Favourite song is a tie between that and the bonus track, where each freaking member takes turns singing a small portion of one of their main band's songs. Yaguchi sang [溺れる魚], but hey it was too short! Less than a line, yea!~ XD What's best about the bonus track was the sense that you have this bunch of people who are good friends coming together to jam and play and all they want to do is share their joy with you. :)