Tuesday, April 26, 2005

今天是休息天﹐好不容易找到時間可以整理一下自己的房間(因為不久之後將會搬家)﹐結果因為實在太過熱了﹐只完成了50%想做的事. 天氣熱﹐動作也好像慢三拍! 怎麼搞的!

咦﹖怎麼把這個寫在這裡而不是main blog?
嘻嘻...我喜歡﹐怎麼樣!!! (耍任性)

終於看了辛苦下載幾天幾夜的pop jam..
satochi還是很賣力的打鼓..自從去年看到他大碟時期的表現﹐就一直覺得﹐嗯﹐他進步了很多很多. 現在每次看到他打鼓﹐就給我很振奮人心的感覺!
分數揭曉的時候﹐還是Yukke的反應最直接~整個人跌了下來! 還有miya也是轉過身去.
雖然為他們感到不值﹐但是聽到現場觀眾"ehhhhhh~~~~"的感嘆聲﹐也算他們的現場支持者不少吧! (而且接下來的團體分數連50%都沒得到! 那時就為ムック他們感到驕傲..嘻嘻*)
還有看到達瑯給予失落的Yukke一個-ganbare-手勢 (和Yukke的回應!), 自己也不禁笑了起來! ^O^

春tour首三場結束了.. 現在等東京的最後三場..
其實今天重看history dvd片段的當兒(原來今天做不了事清﹐不是因為天氣熱! >_>)﹐就在想﹐不知道看他們1997live的那些fans﹐現在還有去看他們的live嗎?

Friday, April 22, 2005


I can't stop chuckling... XD XD

激楽さんs updated their profile pics, and the pics are quite カッコイイ ne! Nice shots!

Then as I was re-reading their profiles, I realized that 矢口さん changed his details, tsk tsk! XD XD His favourite 'talent' is written 阿部寛, but i distinctly remember that it was 酒井若菜 before! (because I remember thinking : ah, so yaguchi-san likes busty women ne!) XD XD XD XD XD (dunno why i simply can't stop grinning..)

Also ... 飲みたくない?? *dies chuckling* XD XD XD

Getting a ridiculously big kick out of "根口雅栄" too... maaaannnn, i love these people!! XD XD

Darn this post has too many XDs... XD XD XD

Sunday, April 17, 2005



反正就是..看過History DVD的人都會猜到今年mucc有可能出國辦live。
只不過﹐當消息真正發出來時﹐我的反應還是: 驚訝。(而且又不是從他們那裡得知的..不知道為什麼到現在他們還沒有公佈呢﹖ 可能因為會在那裡辦其他場次的live吧﹖這些敲定後﹐就會正式公佈吧...也不曉得會以怎樣的方式公佈..)


我也根本不像某些美國或亞洲fans﹐現在在不停埋怨為什麼他們選擇歐洲﹐而不去美國或亞洲等其他地區. (其實也不是muccers在埋怨. 這句話是針對那些一天到晚爭風吃醋的diru fans說的. 對不起了﹐如果冒犯了diru﹐但是我真的認為他們的很多(當然不是全部)外國fans是蠻不講理的一群. 為什麼這個'特徵'都出現在diru fans身上呢? 我抓不著頭..) Oops..又扯到哪裡去了..所以說嘛﹐我現在的狀態有點那個..not thinking very straight! ~_~;

反正我覺得最棒的live還是在home ground的live。要看﹐就得親自去體驗. 而不是一直希望他們來你這裡. 所有的bands都是一樣的﹐不只是日本團. 像伍佰& China Blue﹐我也是認為他們的台灣live還是最棒的.

還有就是﹐我最關心的一點. 這個才是post的重點. 就是希望希望希望外國fans的壓力不會影響到mucc以後的音樂﹐包括呈現形態等. 怎麼說呢..就又用diru為例子吧. 我其實很反感他們近來的CD都射入了英文歌詞翻譯. 還有網站設立英文區. 後來又特地主辦外國fans的live! 不是說我不要他們體諒fans﹐但是相反的﹐我覺得fans應該體諒他們喜歡的bands. 音樂國際化了﹐並不代表一定要'國際化'你的音樂﹐而改變你的風格作為. 是的﹐音樂國際化和'國際化'了的音樂是兩碼事. 音樂本來就是沖過語言障礙的一樣東西﹐不需要再刻意讓它被其他文化的人接受.

我相信mucc會知道自己在做些什麼的. 希望如此!
也祝他們這次國外tour成功!!! ^O^

Friday, April 15, 2005

Destruction Years 2005

XD XD XD... it's "Destruction Years 2005" and not what I thought it was originally: "Distraction Years 2005"! Thank goodness... the latter sounded a bit dubious, heehee.

Monday, April 11, 2005

colorbars ahoy!

posted two colorbars on top.. from lj
so very well done, they are!
they'll be here, at least for a while~

great start to a new working week! *Genkiness* b(^.^)b

Wednesday, April 06, 2005


I was wrong. .... ... I do love this single. <3!
On my way home from work on Monday, plugged into my headphones, [ココロノナイマチ] came on amidst the rest of my playlist.
Almost immediately, it's as if something was sparked off inside me... and that's just...well, an indescribable feeling, you know?
Anyway, when [月の砂丘] came on, its music arrangement in particular got me quite immersed...& by the time the third (bonus) track started, I was totally lost in space.. somewhere where only Tatsurou's voice and Miya's (I do hope it's him playing the piano!) keyboards can reach me.

No, something like this can't be just a commercial release. No doubt [ココロノナイマチ] is very radio-friendly. By mucc's standards anyway. But when I hear this single along with other music, there's still something about mucc's music that moves me. I'm quite the goner, methinks.. 這個團我要養一輩子了~

The first time I heard the first track, [ココロノナイマチ], was during the group's finale live at Hibiya Yaon. Back then, the first impression of the song was that it felt somewhat different from other mucc songs - a bit more pop-py and upbeat-sounding, with lots of mid-to-high guitar pitches. This time round, on second listen, I can appreciate the music arrangement much more. I'd certainly give Miya credit for this...for a pop-sounding melody, the song's intro and interlude portions were done very nicely - it still carried the distinctive variety and rhythm (that bass rhythm especially!) that we know of mucc. Apt to insert in the harmonica as well, don't you think? Gives a bit more of a raw edge to the song.

But the music arrangement that has me enraptured at the moment is that of [月の砂丘]. In the History "The Worst" DVD, there is a small snippet where mucc played a part of [月の砂丘]'s chorus. I'd think a live version of this song would be quite powerful. Again I particularly like the interlude arrangement, where there's something of a plot going there. The guitars, mm. Yes, would certainly like to see this live.

I'm not sure if it's the harmonica that's playing the solo tune towards the end of the piece. It's haunting, anyway, and the ending hanging on like that, I can't find much fault in that!

Piano vers. of [月の砂丘] is quiet, unassuming. Tatsurou's voice effect.. i'm two minds about it. But I'm glad they decided to do this vers. of the song, cos it gives another perspective to the tune.