Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Monday, October 30, 2006
see you in my dream (be on time!)
(but who am i kidding? am sure i'll be struggling at the office tomorrow! orz...)
除了En3 和 69Days, 就是阿刚的。。。funky party XD
不,其实确确实实是一场很棒的concert!!! 看得我非常感动。
more later...
(but who am i kidding? am sure i'll be struggling at the office tomorrow! orz...)
除了En3 和 69Days, 就是阿刚的。。。funky party XD
不,其实确确实实是一场很棒的concert!!! 看得我非常感动。
more later...
Friday, October 27, 2006
Friday, October 20, 2006
Thursday, October 19, 2006
i'm allergic to painkillers. Really sucks though i can still take panadol.. and there's always morphine! Anyway, this allergy only arose last year, and there's nothing i can do about it, except to up my pain threshold, i suppose.
was on MC today.
re-watching Gokusen. can't find L.
wish i'm on MC tomorrow.
was on MC today.
re-watching Gokusen. can't find L.
wish i'm on MC tomorrow.
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Deathnote + Death-of-my-Wallet
Deathnote Part II - The Last Name is coming to Singapore and the slated opening date is 28 Dec 06!
Source: Singapore Yahoo Movies
Well, I finally watched Deathnote Part I with BH last Sat. No cosplayers nor Shinagamis in sight, alas! Before the movie we visited this Bleach-DN-etc mobile stall and chatted up the guy (dressed as a Bleach Shinagami) who was raving about the movie. But...but... how can someone manning such a stall not read the manga before???!!
Anyway, in the cinema I had the "awesome" luck of sitting next to a couple who was entering and leaving the cinema throughout the show. They must have missed like half the show already!! What's the point?? Might as well leave and let me have their seat to place my nachos, hmph. BH was next to a group of four otakus! imho the best kind to be seated next to in a movie like this, cos according to her they stayed riveted to the screen and laughed at all the 'right' parts, muahaha. Oh ya, the guitarist of 静爆乐团was in the audience, cool.
As for the movie, well, as a deathnote manga fan there are parts which left me dissatisfied... like the minimal tension in the train scene D:... and how Light's character portrayal was not as convincing as I'd like it to be. There's also too much in the manga that is not explained in the movie... something that can't be helped in a 2-hr film, i suppose! But all in all, I enjoyed the movie and... I love L! Not only because we share the same initial! XD XD XD
For the sequel, I'll dump the nachos and bring along a pastry-kebab instead XD
And BH will bring along a bag of apples.
Source: Singapore Yahoo Movies
Well, I finally watched Deathnote Part I with BH last Sat. No cosplayers nor Shinagamis in sight, alas! Before the movie we visited this Bleach-DN-etc mobile stall and chatted up the guy (dressed as a Bleach Shinagami) who was raving about the movie. But...but... how can someone manning such a stall not read the manga before???!!
Anyway, in the cinema I had the "awesome" luck of sitting next to a couple who was entering and leaving the cinema throughout the show. They must have missed like half the show already!! What's the point?? Might as well leave and let me have their seat to place my nachos, hmph. BH was next to a group of four otakus! imho the best kind to be seated next to in a movie like this, cos according to her they stayed riveted to the screen and laughed at all the 'right' parts, muahaha. Oh ya, the guitarist of 静爆乐团was in the audience, cool.
As for the movie, well, as a deathnote manga fan there are parts which left me dissatisfied... like the minimal tension in the train scene D:... and how Light's character portrayal was not as convincing as I'd like it to be. There's also too much in the manga that is not explained in the movie... something that can't be helped in a 2-hr film, i suppose! But all in all, I enjoyed the movie and... I love L! Not only because we share the same initial! XD XD XD
For the sequel, I'll dump the nachos and bring along a pastry-kebab instead XD
And BH will bring along a bag of apples.
SouthPark Deathnote!!! From left: L, Misa-misa, Light
(credit: cooked_sashimi from lj)
Woe to my wallet! Its death is dangerously near!!!
Details of mucc's new album are out!
Well... not all the details yet, just the name, date, price(s)... and the fact that there are 3 versions this time round!!!
The problem is... I want all 3 varieties! (A vers. comes with DVD footage of 69Days Tour, B vers. comes with DVD footage of Devilish Years behind-the-scenes, 1st press of normal vers. comes with bonus CD)
*hands wallet over to mucc*
here! you might as well keep that in your possession forever!
well, at least i'll be contributing to their oricon chart ranking! :)
Edit: they're having a bootleg CD campaign again! 饶了我们吧~~~
Monday, October 16, 2006
Sunday, October 15, 2006
十月 final week の予定
シンガポール -> 日本
えん3 @ Ebisu Liquidroom
ムック (シックスナインデイズ) @ Ebisu Liquidroom
ムック (シックスナインデイズ Final) @ Ebisu Liquidroom
堂本光一(Mirror) @ Yokohama Arena
堂本剛 (ENDLICHERI☆ENDLICHERI) @ The Endli. Water Tank
日本 -> シンガポール
In case you're wondering why I'm back in Japan so soon (^^;):
1) 69Days Tour is very, very different from their normal tours.
We decided when we heard the announcement for the 69Days Tour during 666 this year that it would be a tour that we'd try to attend as many lives as possible. As long as it is within our capacity, of course. Simply because this kind of tour only comes once in a blue, blue moon, and if you're like us, i.e. wishing to hear some of the older, less-often-played songs during lives, 69Days Tour is not to be missed!
While I must confess that my belief in this was swayed somewhat when I saw the setlists for the first 2 days of the tour, confidence came soaring back when their setlists for the other days were revealed. The 2 Quattro days were nothing short of excellent, really.
2) Kochan & Qchan have solocons during that period too! How coincidental can that be! & I'll have additional great company as a result (first time watching mucc, kochan & qchan lives with BH!).
3) Had mileage and accomodation vouchers to claim, so that helped on the $$ front.
3) These were dates I could take leave!
Initially, I thought the late Oct dates were not possible, but due to some changes in work schedule, it was possible for me to take leave after all, so I grabbed that chance of course! :)
I only knew later that Wubai & China Blue's pub performances in Taiwan will be conducted during that week too. Darn. Well, guess I'll have to wait till their next concert tour (leaves me with some time to save the money too, I suppose!). In the meantime, will have to depend on the live reports by friends in Taiwan :)
シンガポール -> 日本
えん3 @ Ebisu Liquidroom
ムック (シックスナインデイズ) @ Ebisu Liquidroom
ムック (シックスナインデイズ Final) @ Ebisu Liquidroom
堂本光一(Mirror) @ Yokohama Arena
堂本剛 (ENDLICHERI☆ENDLICHERI) @ The Endli. Water Tank
日本 -> シンガポール
In case you're wondering why I'm back in Japan so soon (^^;):
1) 69Days Tour is very, very different from their normal tours.
We decided when we heard the announcement for the 69Days Tour during 666 this year that it would be a tour that we'd try to attend as many lives as possible. As long as it is within our capacity, of course. Simply because this kind of tour only comes once in a blue, blue moon, and if you're like us, i.e. wishing to hear some of the older, less-often-played songs during lives, 69Days Tour is not to be missed!
While I must confess that my belief in this was swayed somewhat when I saw the setlists for the first 2 days of the tour, confidence came soaring back when their setlists for the other days were revealed. The 2 Quattro days were nothing short of excellent, really.
2) Kochan & Qchan have solocons during that period too! How coincidental can that be! & I'll have additional great company as a result (first time watching mucc, kochan & qchan lives with BH!).
3) Had mileage and accomodation vouchers to claim, so that helped on the $$ front.
3) These were dates I could take leave!
Initially, I thought the late Oct dates were not possible, but due to some changes in work schedule, it was possible for me to take leave after all, so I grabbed that chance of course! :)
I only knew later that Wubai & China Blue's pub performances in Taiwan will be conducted during that week too. Darn. Well, guess I'll have to wait till their next concert tour (leaves me with some time to save the money too, I suppose!). In the meantime, will have to depend on the live reports by friends in Taiwan :)
By the time the final hidden track came on, i just lost it.
The tears just came on. TTOTT
LVER is one good band.
Sad that this is their last album.
But it's a good one.
One question: the abrupt ending to the last track in the "Best Of" CD... what are we supposed to make of it?
Darn, i would really like to watch their ドキュメンタリーDVD「裏ヴィアンローズ2」 but it's only on sale at the live venues from 18 Oct onwards... :(
The tears just came on. TTOTT
LVER is one good band.
Sad that this is their last album.
But it's a good one.
One question: the abrupt ending to the last track in the "Best Of" CD... what are we supposed to make of it?
Darn, i would really like to watch their ドキュメンタリーDVD「裏ヴィアンローズ2」 but it's only on sale at the live venues from 18 Oct onwards... :(

Friday, October 13, 2006
Friday the 13th
new laptop finally arrived!
fiddling with it now...
i don't know if it's because it's Friday the 13th or what, today saw me lashing out at 2 persons, shocking even myself. not that they didn't deserve it, though. -_-; my blood was literally boiling. my usually amiable colleague also flared up in a meeting and had to stop himself from walking out of the meeting. Considering TGIF, why were we so tensed up today??
anyway, i'm currently very tickled by this:
i love these Tees!
... so which is your favourite colour? :)
(the official page has the full-sized 'models')
muahaha... Miya looks cool in that PINK!
Satochi looks so perplexed...
but of course again it's difficult for overseas muckers to order these, sigh.
mucc on www.germanrock.de website - some nice pics here. the interview must have been translated at some forum before, but i can't remember...
mucc on germanrock
fiddling with it now...
i don't know if it's because it's Friday the 13th or what, today saw me lashing out at 2 persons, shocking even myself. not that they didn't deserve it, though. -_-; my blood was literally boiling. my usually amiable colleague also flared up in a meeting and had to stop himself from walking out of the meeting. Considering TGIF, why were we so tensed up today??
anyway, i'm currently very tickled by this:

... so which is your favourite colour? :)
(the official page has the full-sized 'models')
muahaha... Miya looks cool in that PINK!
Satochi looks so perplexed...
but of course again it's difficult for overseas muckers to order these, sigh.
mucc on www.germanrock.de website - some nice pics here. the interview must have been translated at some forum before, but i can't remember...
mucc on germanrock
Sunday, October 08, 2006
my laptop crashed. TTOTT
oh well... guess life's fair... if that's the cost of watching the excellent Quattro performances on 2 and 3 Oct, then I have no qualms with the laptop RIP-ing.
...although this means i've lost all my mails + vids + photos! even the photos + vids that i was relieved i had backed-up from my phone when the phone got lost last month! urgh
is there something in my stars about me losing electronic gadgets these few months??! what else is there to go??! *hugs my Zen:M
& i guess it was also my fault.. i mean, all the signs were there that my laptop was terminal.. yet i kept procrastinating the transfer of files to the other laptop (the one i'm using now - a 2nd hand one that i used to use at ex-workplace, bought cheaply from ex-employer a few months ago).
anyway, despite having this 2nd hand laptop, i still need to get a new one cos there're some things wrong with this one (good things don't come cheap!).
writing trip repo now... i love Quattro. i love mucc. i love Roberto!
did you guys see the 7th Avenue setlist??! how awesome does it get!!?! i'm hopeful about the 25th and 26th lives... between the 2 dates, am hopeful it'lll be as fun & nostalgic as the 7th Avenue setlist!
TBH Live in the Sun DVD - the tour document clips are priceless! Eijun's antics.. during one live, he jumped down into the audience and joined them. the audience was like :O! then :D!! then at another live, during one song his guitar gave up on him, so he 'played' the rest of the song by SINGING into the mike the chords that he was supposed to play! XD XD every band needs at least one character like that.. XD
oh well... guess life's fair... if that's the cost of watching the excellent Quattro performances on 2 and 3 Oct, then I have no qualms with the laptop RIP-ing.
...although this means i've lost all my mails + vids + photos! even the photos + vids that i was relieved i had backed-up from my phone when the phone got lost last month! urgh
is there something in my stars about me losing electronic gadgets these few months??! what else is there to go??! *hugs my Zen:M
& i guess it was also my fault.. i mean, all the signs were there that my laptop was terminal.. yet i kept procrastinating the transfer of files to the other laptop (the one i'm using now - a 2nd hand one that i used to use at ex-workplace, bought cheaply from ex-employer a few months ago).
anyway, despite having this 2nd hand laptop, i still need to get a new one cos there're some things wrong with this one (good things don't come cheap!).
writing trip repo now... i love Quattro. i love mucc. i love Roberto!
did you guys see the 7th Avenue setlist??! how awesome does it get!!?! i'm hopeful about the 25th and 26th lives... between the 2 dates, am hopeful it'lll be as fun & nostalgic as the 7th Avenue setlist!
TBH Live in the Sun DVD - the tour document clips are priceless! Eijun's antics.. during one live, he jumped down into the audience and joined them. the audience was like :O! then :D!! then at another live, during one song his guitar gave up on him, so he 'played' the rest of the song by SINGING into the mike the chords that he was supposed to play! XD XD every band needs at least one character like that.. XD
Sunday, October 01, 2006
la vie en rose @ club addict - short one
realized that all the la vie members are terribly un-photogenic, because they're all so good lookin' and charming IRL!!!
kyohsuke's MC lasted more than half an hr XD
then, after the live, we were hanging around buying our drinks and lining up to buy the CDs and goods, when kyohsuke came out... he walked right past us to chat with the livehouse people. by that time there weren't too many people left, but still whoever was there was really polite... no outright disturbance, a few fans now and then would just go up to him to say hi.
we got our CDs signed by him :) :) :)
yuj told him we're from overseas. he didn't seem too surprised or anything, though he said that yuj's japanese was good! and then the livehouse senpei tried to speak chinese ('ni hao ma?') to us XD
kyohsuke's MC lasted more than half an hr XD
then, after the live, we were hanging around buying our drinks and lining up to buy the CDs and goods, when kyohsuke came out... he walked right past us to chat with the livehouse people. by that time there weren't too many people left, but still whoever was there was really polite... no outright disturbance, a few fans now and then would just go up to him to say hi.
we got our CDs signed by him :) :) :)
yuj told him we're from overseas. he didn't seem too surprised or anything, though he said that yuj's japanese was good! and then the livehouse senpei tried to speak chinese ('ni hao ma?') to us XD