la vie en rose @ club addict - short one
realized that all the la vie members are terribly un-photogenic, because they're all so good lookin' and charming IRL!!!
kyohsuke's MC lasted more than half an hr XD
then, after the live, we were hanging around buying our drinks and lining up to buy the CDs and goods, when kyohsuke came out... he walked right past us to chat with the livehouse people. by that time there weren't too many people left, but still whoever was there was really polite... no outright disturbance, a few fans now and then would just go up to him to say hi.
we got our CDs signed by him :) :) :)
yuj told him we're from overseas. he didn't seem too surprised or anything, though he said that yuj's japanese was good! and then the livehouse senpei tried to speak chinese ('ni hao ma?') to us XD
kyohsuke's MC lasted more than half an hr XD
then, after the live, we were hanging around buying our drinks and lining up to buy the CDs and goods, when kyohsuke came out... he walked right past us to chat with the livehouse people. by that time there weren't too many people left, but still whoever was there was really polite... no outright disturbance, a few fans now and then would just go up to him to say hi.
we got our CDs signed by him :) :) :)
yuj told him we're from overseas. he didn't seem too surprised or anything, though he said that yuj's japanese was good! and then the livehouse senpei tried to speak chinese ('ni hao ma?') to us XD