Tuesday, October 31, 2006

I'll bet the Wu Bai & China Blue shows in Taipei were more fun! Oh my dear, I stood right in front of him, and he smiled at me - a lot :)

You must come for the big show, really.
arrrrgggghhhh!!!!!!! don't remind me about how i missed the pub performance!!! you were in the first row!!??! that's more than cool!!!

ooooh i can't wait to hear the new album~

hey, you're in HK now, right?
Yeah, first row because we queued from Tuesday afternoon all through the Saturday night show! Charlene and some others did the overnight duty, and I did days, beginning Wednesday a.m. Hard work but worth it, because he was so close, and that's the best way to see WB&CB. The new CD is good, lots of "ba la" songs, and oh, you should have seen the little disco-style dance Wu Bai and crew did to "You Are My Flower" - hysterical. If you want me to buy it and ship it to you, I'm more than happy to oblige.

I'm in HK, going to pick up my visa today. At least, I hope. I forgot to bring my US driver license with me, but the lady said it was OK that I had the addy written in my passport and on my HK immigration slip. But she wants bank statements, not just the proof of sufficient funds in bank that I brought, I guess to make sure the deposits I'm making in Taiwan are all from my US account and not from a job. So, I had to print some of those to bring back to today. Thank god for online banking!

Whew, long reply, sorry ;)
hahaha!!! i wanna see them dance to You Are My Flower!!! XD i can just imagine all the chaos when they were rehearsing it...XD XD XD

thanks for the offer to get the CD! :) no worries though, i'll patiently wait for it to get to Singapore..it's a matter of time!

ok... now's the time for me to start saving up... for the multiple trips to taiwan & japan next year! ooooooh my wallet's starting to give me dirty looks...

hope your visa thingy worked out fine in the end!
I was sweating it for awhile there. They interviewed me for a long, long time, asking all sorts of questions. Guess it was difficult for the woman to grasp that I had money in a bank in America and that those daily deposits of $16,000NT were from me walking up to the ATM, pulling out cash, then going in to deposit that into my Taiwan bank. Had to give them 3 months of statements and a lot of blather of why I didn't go to school for the last five months! But, they finally gave me the visa.

It's amazing that they can think that two years is plenty of time to study a language as complicated as Chinese. I mean, I guess if all you're doing is chatting with friends, that's enough, but for someone who wants to be an interpreter, no way!
phew~~~ Congratulations on finally getting the visa then!!!

you're right, studying a language is not just about learning for a couple of years... i'm actually rather frustrated about the pace of my japanese language studies... it seems like forever but i'm still not grasping the language... but a friend once told me to be patient, as a language needs practice, practice, practice, and such things need lotsa time and effort... so i'm hanging in there... 我们一起努力吧!!!:)
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