Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Go to DMC! ~T-shirt Collab

It's the most outrageous manga i've read in a while! XD XD

While waiting for the 3rd volume of the manga to get translated, here're some pics from the launch of the 3rd volume @ Shibuya Tower Records from 27-29 April 2007

Entrance of Shibuya Tower Records

haha.. that chap looks like he's posing with Krauser II XD XD

Entrance to the exhibition at B1.

Message by YUKKE!

Maybe I'm biased, but i think Mucc's collab Tee has got the most innovative idea! It's a coupling tour for DMC & Mucc!!! *dies laughing... & they've drawn themselves in DMC-manga style, with make! arrrr... *dies some more. The first stop of their tour is Rock Maykan :) & making a twist out of their recent "Psychedelic Analysis" Tour, they've named it "Satanic Analysis" Tour.. orz... XD

I only managed to get myself to the exhibition on 29 April, and by that time the S and M sizes for the Tee were already sold out... but after i came back i ordered the tee online... cos i just couldn't resist the baka-ness of it all! :P

Punk'en Ciel's collab Tee design

zealous fans, woot! :)


Final pic:

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Sunday, May 20, 2007


Finally... my last lecturing commitment for this term has finished, so I can take a short breather for the moment... but the next term starts in July, and I will be teaching a new topic, and even though the topic's up my alley, it's something else having to make sure i know the examiner's style, syllabus requirements, etc. So i reckon i'll still have to start work on it soon...



几个月前,他在机上(是lutfthansa!)看到PV list里有ホリゾント,好奇之下(他知道我喜欢他们的歌)就去看了。觉得不错。回到新加坡就去hmv买了極彩。结果,发现超喜欢里头的歌。一天早上还惊吓了我,打来跟我讨论专辑歌曲!真的是没想到他会跑去买極彩!




我万万没想到他会几乎全都喜欢啊!老实说,虽然他的确是super chow ah beng一个(笑),不过我对他的音乐见解程度是蛮欣赏的。一方面是因为我知道他是稀有的那么认真对待音乐的新加坡男生。记得之前坐他车时他总是播着各种各样的音乐,包括另类型的古怪音乐~_~; 他会立刻去买专辑,而不是只下载或买翻版,之后也会很认真地听每张专辑,这点我也欣赏。

上个星期再度花了将近一小时的时间跟他讨论mucc的歌曲。ah, shiok! 他还跟着音乐唱出廃的歌词,我吓吓吓吓吓x69倒了!真的是以惊人的速度消化了那7张专辑啊!

反正呢,新加坡就这样多了一个mucker。下个mucc live,timing ok的话,他说会考虑。到时看吧!

Thursday, May 03, 2007



上班途中开mp3player, 听着「ズタズタ」又是那么想。
