Monday, May 29, 2006

I had 2 flashes of Geek-dom this weekend.

First time was when KC & i stayed back till after the end credits of X-Men 3 (which sucks, btw). We looked around us only to discover that we were surrounded by geeks (of course, us included!). Yup, we shoulda known... only geeks who visit the online geekish forums would have heard about staying till the end of the credits to catch that scene...even if the scene was an absolute anti-climax.

Second time was at Sim Lim Square on Sunday. The sacred meeting place for all geeks in Singapore... oooh, and furthermore it was a Sunday... I'm sure that's the day of the week for the weekly pilgrimage by all the working geeks out there m(_ _*)m ... the SHMWELL of geek-dom in the air there was so overpowering, one careless step and you'll get sucked alllll the way in too!!! ("look at all the drums of DVD-Rs!!! So cheap!!! How 'bout that wireless router selling only for $55!!!?! What?!! An mpg4 player for only $86, you gotta be kidding!!???")

Friday, May 26, 2006

Big announcement was today~!
WTF, who cares! Coming trip of more personal interest!

Japan june trip plan goes something like this...
1 June - Reach Tokyo in the afternoon. Qiu hasn't been to Roppongi Hills so might go there and have dinner at Pintokona. I also wanna do some CD-shop hopping, cos as it turns out this whole trip I won't be seeing much of Tokyo, so hope to pop into either Ikebukuro or Shinjuku. Late-night, might pop into Shibuya for a drink at some Izakaya...and browse Towers. That's a lot for the 1st day!!! O_o;
2 June - Set off for Nagoya~~~No real plans for me, except to catch TBH's live at Club Diamond Hall... and eat some miso nikomi udon or eel rice... yum.
3 June - Set off for Takayama~~~We'll be leaving quite early, cos we want to catch the morning market there... roam Takayama until near evening where we will move on to Gero Onsen to soak in the onsens & stay for the night.
4 June - Set off for Osaka~~~Not much time here, so I'll probably go shopping/CD-shop searching a little, then go meet yuj for TBH's live at Namba Hatch. After the live, I'm seriously thinking of relaxing in Spaworld again :D
5 June - Set off for Tokyo~~~Meeting up with WK & Co for shabu-shabu dinner. Must remember to get all my overdue mucc stuff from Pat.
6 June - 666!
7 June - Leave for Kamikochi~~~Group of 5 (including one in charge of carrying all our luggage XD)
8 June - Will be at Kamikochi in the day and return to Tokyo only in the evening, I suppose.
9 June - 69 day. What will happen?
10 June - Last-minute shopping. Lunch, then it's back to Singapore...

Not much time! I've got this whole list of eating places I wanna either try or re-visit in Tokyo... don't think there are enough meals to cater to all of them! XD

& back in Singapore, ->
11 June - Street Festival with BH!
12 June - Starting work at new workplace.

Now for the rant.
Of all places, I would expect the people at my current workplace to be more open when it comes to travelling, right? But no! Everyone still looks so shocked when I say I am visiting Japan again. See, when your Purpose of Visit (POV - industry term we use to describe the main purpose for a tourist's visit) is events-based, then it's certainly very understandable that you'll return to a particular country if those events are held there, right? But everyone somehow assumes that your POV is always sightseeing, so it makes zero sense to them when I say I like to visit Japan every year if it's within my financial ability. They get even more wide-eyed when I say I visit Japan to watch lives. They think I go chase after bands, duh!!?!! Why is it so difficult for them to understand that I like to watch lives, period??!

That's why I'm really very grateful I know friends (that's most likely whoever's reading this now ^^) who can understand how I feel.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Lucify 翻身成功~~~撒花
Hmm... wouldn't it be funny if they got out last week, came back this week, only to get kicked out next week??!

Sunday, May 21, 2006


1. Singapore Idol II starts off with a bang! --- i wonder why there are still so many people on this tiny island eager to make a laughing stock of themselves??! None of the contestants were really memorable, except this NUS chap from a band.. but again the question is if you're from a band why do you choose to go Singapore Idol?

2. 翻身赛tomorrow! Must catch it! I hope Lucify performs well.

3. Deathnote movie trailer has got me v hyped up!!! Casting looks quite apt! Dani California too! It'll be out in June, but i'll miss its premiere in Japan by 7 days! Hopefully when i'm there i'll catch some of the run-up hype, though... really looking forward to this movie.

4. Youtube 是~~~

5. 10 days countdown!
sigh...还是跟那个69DVD没有缘。。。试了3次,都不成。。。最后这次原本还抱着一点希望,不过可惜回mail的时候,刚好收到她写来的mail说已经成功卖出去给别人了。算了啦,可以换single也不错! :)


Friday, May 19, 2006

Day 2 - 22 Apr
Woke up at 4.30am... we had arranged to meet at the hotel lobby at 5am... reason for the timing was because we wanted to make sure we arrived at Ark early enough to get good entry numbers (the livehouse had announced that they would be giving out entry numbers starting from 8am in the morning). It's just how the system goes... the live ticket is just proof of purchase, entitling you to an entry number. It's the entry number that determines when you get to enter the livehouse. 5am seems early (it was!), but well, being unfamiliar with the local livegoing habits, we just wanted to err on the safe side. :)

We went there in 2 cabs... I was in the 2nd one... we alighted a distance away from the livehouse... just as we were fumbling about the fastest way to get to the Ark, we were directed to the queue by a couple of security guards..."来排队的吗?往那边走!" 哈哈... these guards must be very familiar with livegoers' habits...

It was 5.30am. The queue that had formed didn't seem too long...

We're the group to the left of the pic... yup, it started to rain... we were eventually moved to just outside the livehouse...

3 hours seemed like eternity, but we 熬过去with food, music, videos, talking...

Yup, that's us, all 8 of us...
Then, they started giving out the entry numbers but errrrrrr... let's just say there was a huge commotion that followed... apparently, it's not the first (nor last) time something like this has happened... the livehouse management giving out entry numbers the night before, and skipping numbers when they give them out. Grr!

Thank goodness for the 'single-mindedness' of all those present! Despite the livehouse management's attempts to split the crowd (by asking those who wanted the entry numbers to step forward), no one budged and a few people started reasoning with the management.

Finally, an agreement was reached, thanks to the persistance of the Shanghai fans. Cos in the end the management agreed to re-issue the entry numbers, but the arrangement was that during entry, we would intersperse with the people who got the ticket numbers the day before.

It was only sometime around noon, but gosh, it had seemed like a whole day had passed! Standing in the cold for more than 5 hrs is no joke ne~ ^^

Amidst the commotion, we saw 梦狂 enter the livehouse to start preparations at around 10am...


(to be continued)

Sunday, May 14, 2006

看的时候M和我都笑到翻滚在地上了 XD
对Part II 有所期待,但是得等到2007年,uuurrrgghhh~

Thursday, May 11, 2006
Mucc's going to the US in Aug! I'm sure there will be other lives to-be-announced...
Tat-chan, Puppetdemon, Anya, I hope you guys can make it for their performances! You have GOT to!!!

这是所谓的World Tour 追加吧?XD
When oh when will 'lil Singapore ever be on the radar screen... *sob*

Wednesday, May 10, 2006


ps. 不知道paris party情况怎样!?

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Geez, why 静爆乐团?There were other less deserving bands!
Offstage, Lucify makes me laugh (in a good way XD)
There's more 'seh' in their recent performances, and their sound's getting better

More spontaneity, guys!!!

Sunday, May 07, 2006

And so the day came and went.
Another 5 more years before we go to the polls again (and i do hope i will have the chance again next time!)

For anyone interested to observe how the WP will unfold over the next 5 years, allow me to recommend this rather insightful article:

"Who guards the guardians" is the perennial question i sincerely hope every Singaporean will keep at the back of their mind... especially civil servants (can't help but observe that many high-ranking civil servants have the misunderstanding, wilfully or otherwise, that they are part of a political party, and not working for the people).

Interestingly, yesterday the queue at the polling station was so much shorter compared to the queue at the lottery centre ^^; Yup, do not underestimate those contentious serial numbers on the ballot slips! XD

Friday, May 05, 2006

Yup... only a few things in this world can keep me up late at night doing research...(willingly!) 满足感100%!^_^

プレミアムカヴァーアルバム“COVER PARADE”ALBUM
01.翼をください by 赤い鳥 (1971)
02.ワインレッドの心 by 安全地帯 (1983)
03.四季の歌 by 芹洋子 (1976)
04.ロマンチスト by The Stalin (1982)
05.素顔 by 長渕剛 (1980)
06.彼と彼女 by 泉谷しげる (1976)
07.せんちめんたる by cali≠gari (1999)
08.LA VIE EN ROSE feat.Kyo by D'ERLANGER (1989)
09.にわか雨session by ラヴィアンローズ (2001)
10.傘がないby 井上陽水 (1972)
11.なごり雪 by かぐや姫 (1974)

Yes!!! Am so looking forward to this album...期待期待期待~! 8D

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Was down with a splitting headache the past 2 days... better now, trying to get back into the spin of things!

Happy Mucc 9th Anniv! :D Are they spending it in the air?