Woke up at 4.30am... we had arranged to meet at the hotel lobby at 5am... reason for the timing was because we wanted to make sure we arrived at Ark early enough to get good entry numbers (the livehouse had announced that they would be giving out entry numbers starting from 8am in the morning). It's just how the system goes... the live ticket is just proof of purchase, entitling you to an entry number. It's the entry number that determines when you get to enter the livehouse. 5am seems early (it was!), but well, being unfamiliar with the local livegoing habits, we just wanted to err on the safe side. :)
We went there in 2 cabs... I was in the 2nd one... we alighted a distance away from the livehouse... just as we were fumbling about the fastest way to get to the Ark, we were directed to the queue by a couple of security guards..."来排队的吗?往那边走!" 哈哈... these guards must be very familiar with livegoers' habits...
It was 5.30am. The queue that had formed didn't seem too long...
We're the group to the left of the pic... yup, it started to rain... we were eventually moved to just outside the livehouse...
3 hours seemed like eternity, but we 熬过去with food, music, videos, talking...
Yup, that's us, all 8 of us... Then, they started giving out the entry numbers but errrrrrr... let's just say there was a huge commotion that followed... apparently, it's not the first (nor last) time something like this has happened... the livehouse management giving out entry numbers the night before, and skipping numbers when they give them out. Grr!
Thank goodness for the 'single-mindedness' of all those present! Despite the livehouse management's attempts to split the crowd (by asking those who wanted the entry numbers to step forward), no one budged and a few people started reasoning with the management.
Finally, an agreement was reached, thanks to the persistance of the Shanghai fans. Cos in the end the management agreed to re-issue the entry numbers, but the arrangement was that during entry, we would intersperse with the people who got the ticket numbers the day before.
It was only sometime around noon, but gosh, it had seemed like a whole day had passed! Standing in the cold for more than 5 hrs is no joke ne~ ^^
Amidst the commotion, we saw 梦狂 enter the livehouse to start preparations at around 10am...
(to be continued)