Monday, March 27, 2006

kinda depressed...Deadman just announced that they're officially stopping activities after their last live on 23 May...uurrgh...just when i was hoping to catch their one-man this year... their last album, [In the Direction of Sunrise and Night Light], was really good...

the number of bands i'm listening to is shrinking...T^T ... recommendations on good newcomer bands, anyone? (doesn't have to be vkei of course...) i'd gladly try them out! :)

Friday, March 24, 2006

The Back Horn 6/4 大阪なんばHatch チケット GETS! :)
Actually, since it's Hatch, there shouldn't be a problem with tickets even if we buy them late.. well, just hope we'll get good numbers!

Next on : 6/2 Nagoya Diamond Hall チケット! :)

PS: Chaos Diver debuts at Oricon Charts at No. 19!

Sunday, March 19, 2006

It felt like a quiet weekend, but actually i met more people than usual this weekend! Besides the Japanese classes (100% enjoyable stuff), I met up with an ex-colleague who had made a major career change... and some of my Masters ex-classmates.. one couple from the class is expecting a baby boy in June! The to-be mommy came wearing a blue sleeveless sundress & matching bandanna.. a really pretty mommy-to-be! :)

Watched Transamerica as well, with Qiu & Bong, the same pals I watched Brokeback Mountain with. A lot of people are comparing the two films now and taking sides, but I agree with Qiu, it's really silly to compare the two films. I enjoyed both, was moved by both, and would heartily recommend them to my friends. Transamerica was shot in a very down-to-earth, no-nonsense manner, and this, along with the subject matter, made the movie a very refreshing take for a road movie :)

This morning my niece came visiting and the highlight for me was discovering that all along, she has been taking note of Roberto Jr (haha... that's the little frog that sits on top of a box on my cabinet.) My brother was waving Roberto Jr in front of her... she took one look at it and started pointing to its place on top of the cabinet.

Uurrghh... kids... they're hard to manage but they still steal your heart nonetheless!!!

Work-wise, I'm now considering a job change (you go: what! again!?) haha.. yeah.. the thoughts were prompted about a month ago when some things happening at work led me to wonder about my prospects if I were to stay at this job.. was I really adding value to myself if I stayed on? Then I noticed that there was an opportunity at the Tax Office, so I applied and met up with them for an interview. Things went well, they want me, but now it's just the remuneration.. i mean, what they're offering is okay.. comparable to the current job, but not higher, so that doesn't give me a concrete reason to really leave this current job. I'll have to leave based on other reasons then.. So, am thinking through this seriously.. Should I go back to tax, or should I stay at this seemingly more interesting job? Haha.. troubles I find for myself.. Tax.. some people find it strange that an ex-Zoologist is now so interested in Tax.. if you ask me whether I would have been able to see myself where I am now 10 years ago, I'd definitely say No Way!

Leads me to think about something else.. and this is totally irrelevant to work.. was reading about Mayday in a friend's blog, and then it occurred to me that I'm like totally "over" them... geez... not that I was so hard up on them before, but after all, I had travelled to Taiwan before to watch their lives... but now when I hear their music or read about them or see them on TV, I don't feel anything at all. Was wondering why.. was it the change in their music? seeing them in a different light? something else? I didn't even see it coming.

Makes me wonder whether my interest in mucc will fade into obscurity after a while.. what will prompt that.. how will I feel when that happens? yeah i know it happens to many people, but y'know it's just kinda different for certain bands.

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Was reading a blog account of the Mucc 12/19 Houyoku Finale and apparently there was a group of 4 guys cosplaying the band that evening. Cool siah! Wish I had seen that!!

So anyway, before the live started, as the group of 4 was making their way up the stairs to their seats, the Yukke cosplayer almost tripped, so the Miya cosplay quickly reached over to give him a hand. That action made the people around them go "wooooo...!!!" XD XD XD Must be all the MiyaXYukke thoughts floating around lah! These people ah!!! XD XD XD

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

今日はミヤの日! ^_______^

~It's always because of a live, isn't it?
My admiration for the band escalated exponentially on a specific date... 6 Jan 04, the 2nd Mucc one-man live i've ever seen!
And Miya contributed a lot towards that~
I still remember, it was as if his whole body was on fire~~~
A ball of fire, burning.
My very first post in this blog was about that live, in fact! Heh.
That sort of musical tension in the air was something I had never experienced before, and thereafter I was sucked deeper and deeper into muccism. Deeper, deeper...die liao lah!
The next Mucc live was about 10 months later, in Autumn of '04.
This time I was lucky... stood at the 2nd row, almost right in front of Miya.
This time round, it was the 'Miya look' that zapped me. ZZAAAAAPPPPUUUU!!!
Kuchiki was an album I liked a lot, so that live was even so much more memorable.

Since then, Miya's playing style has become more... well... don't know if 'showy' is the right word (at least that's what I feel). What I can't deny, is how he's become more 抢眼, especially recently. 造型,整体感觉,越来越帅了! O Miya-ya! ^^


记得,一位音乐人曾对我说过,每一个显眼的乐团,一定会有一位最有野心,最有想法的团员,推动着这个乐团。 我想,Mucc的话,就是Miya吧。 没有Miya,Mucc不晓得会是怎样的一个Mucc。


Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Ironically, an air tic to Shanghai will cost me more than an air tic to Tokyo.

And allow me to actually not in the mood to go Shanghai for the lives.
It's not because i know i'll end up as a miserable pile of limbs at the back of the live house (and within 5 seconds flat too..)
Even news of the members live is not perking me up.

Something's terribly wrong.

Friday, March 03, 2006

Can't believe it's March already... wasn't it just yesterday that we celebrated the New Year? Wasn't it just yesterday that I started writing dates that ended with "'06"? But why does it seem so dem long since I last put on my platform boots...

I received a shipping alert from vpost today and to my horror, the estimated shipping cost was about S$37. Shock! Usually it never reaches S$20! So I looked at the details and turns out it's cos one of the items came with a free poster, so that made the volumetric weight shoot up sky high... sheesh... oh well, guess I should be glad at least they didn't fold the poster!

Anyway so this means I'll get this last batch of CDs probably next week.. in the meantime, TBH's new single has totally taken over my hifi & zenm. On all accounts.. lyrics, music, 感动度, it's highest on my personal rankings this month! YEAH!! Gerbera single's lyrics.. at least the first 2 tracks.. and I'm not sure why.. just feels a bit too.. 白..(don't kill me)
All those guys who complain about girls not needing to serve NS should try having a bloody (literally) period every bloody month... uuurrrggghhh... the cramps are killing me...

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

My 'lil niece is taking the cue from Mucc and using their motto for 2006 as hers too!
