Thursday, March 24, 2005


Answered the Muccer's 69 Questions~
Currently in English... haven't translated my answers to Japanese yet...that will be my next task! :)

Questions are from this site:

Monday, March 21, 2005


*忍*~!!!!!!!!!! @_@;;;

心裡一直不由自主地唸著﹐如果沒有換工﹐可能這次5月真的去得成呢! 因為剛好這個學期的最後一天是5月16日...那隔天就可以飛去看他們的追加公演了!! 還可以留到月底﹐就有機會看看激楽隊有沒有live. NW飛機票也剛剛再次出現了$499這個價錢! 可是...

啊!!! *狠打自己!* 不可以這麼想啦!! 因為不可能因為這個而不考慮換工的嗎!! *再一次狠狠地打醒自己!* 當然可以考慮跟新的地方說﹐可不可以遲一點開始上班..是可以這樣問的.. 不過﹐我也知道他們其實已經算是等我很久了...畢竟不是每個地方可以等一個新員工等兩個多月的...

話說回來﹐就是很想念ムック他們啦~~ ;_;

Sunday, March 20, 2005

Shoxx May issue has..

..monochro no mucc!
ey~~ 'mucc' font on the cover looks strange but familiar... same font they used for the March 2004 issue... I remember it only because it's kinda speedy-lookin' and.. not really the kind of font i'm used to seeing the word 'mucc' written in. Hahaa....something trivial and totally non-consequential, sorry, sorry.. =''=

Friday, March 18, 2005


Recent activity on the BBS has been making me very excited! :)

Upon Miya's prompting, Tatsurou changed the members' icons to reflect their new 'image', though I don't know what Satochi's looks like... yet. Tatsurou's icon is scary! XD Miya's is uber-cool & cute at the same time (yes that's possible!), while Yukke's is just. very. him! :D

I really like what Miya wrote about snow in his previous post...(the post that made my heart stop for a moment there when I first read it! ^^)... and I also like his "毎日がライブ" in his latest post. mm.

Tuesday, March 15, 2005


okay... don't laugh at me, okay? had this dream last week actually, and had been meaning to post about it here, just for memories' sake.

the dream didn't have that much content, actually. & as with most dreams, one tends to lose memory of the details very fast. what I do remember, though, was this particular scene where I was somehow in a room together with tatsurou & miya. they had laid out all over the room their collectibles (gundam models, lego models, pictures, scores, what have you...)... either preparing for some exhibition or photoshoot. anyway, I was leaning over a table, looking over some of these items & miya was on my right. then he hugged-squeezed me. (:O!!) No, no, not anything disgusting but one of those reassuring sort of hugs. tatsurou was laying out some items over the other side of the room and er... making some noises as usual :D

errrrrr... i'm not one to read too much into dreams, but I remember waking up feeling very safe and... yeah, reassured somehow. last week was quite a shaky week for me as I was going through some rough patches at work. after that dream, the next day I felt calmer and more ready to accept the challenges that lay ahead of me.

just wanted to write this down and remember it next time i read it.

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

9th of the month

Miya seems to have made it a habit of updating his page on the 9th of each month, so unwittingly I find myself looking forward to this date every month.

Yay, it's now the 9th!! :D!!

I feel like the fox in The Little Prince >_<;

Friday, March 04, 2005

it's happening again

turning to mucc vids & music to lift the mood
starting to feel more and more useless with each passing minute
why did i do this and why did i do that
why did i not do that
blah blah

world's not perfect but why do i fxxking keep wanting it to be??

feel more comfortable posting here than on the main journal.

miya-kun's msg.. heart actually skipped a beat there when i saw it...
felt so heartened!
then i wondered... how's tatsu-chan doing... feels as if it's been a long time since he's posted anything... maybe pple in japan w keitai do hear from him? i dunno.
tatsu's vocals has been affecting me v much lately.
admire his singing.
admire his guts, admire his confidence, admire his style, admire his artistic talent, admire his humour, admire his straightforward manner.
seriously if not for the moshing i'd really like to stand in the middle section of the audience next time..
next time.. if everything stays the same, i might just be compelled to go japan in jun..
yes if everything stays the same, after jun it'll be no-go all the way till dec..
let's not think about that.

Wednesday, March 02, 2005


激楽隊 Mini Album 『東京』
2005年5月25日(水) 発売決定!

Seeing the members' messages somehow made me feel quite touched.
I really like seeing them talking to each other on their boards ne..
Sigh.. guess it's also the mood I've been in the whole of today.
Facing hiccups almost everywhere
~plus post-trip depression~~
~Listening to [ズタズタ] on my way back from work today nearly got me into tears.