Things are shaping up for the Nov trip, finally!
Yesssss! It's finally confirmed today that all our lives tickets have been secured!!
^________^ *jumps around the room in a mad frenzy*
Unfortunately, I'll be missing the Halloween Event although it's just one day before I arrive there... gotta pay an additional $200 lah, if I change my airtics dates... so thought I should just save on the cost and leave-days for Dec or something.. :) Still, the Halloween Event should be quite fun...wonder what the bands will be dressing themselves up as.. ;)
Well, for me it's gonna be 10 days, 5 lives, 4 bands... I'll be really surprised if we don't end up looking like shit by Day 8... XD
The thought of seeing mucc live again makes me all genki!
& listening to [奇跡] on the way back home today, I was suddenly reminded that it'll be the first time I see The Back Horn live and gosh, I'm also really looking forward to that. A lot.
Okay hosay... one more week to the start of [図南の鵬翼]@Sendai!
Yesssss! It's finally confirmed today that all our lives tickets have been secured!!
^________^ *jumps around the room in a mad frenzy*
Unfortunately, I'll be missing the Halloween Event although it's just one day before I arrive there... gotta pay an additional $200 lah, if I change my airtics dates... so thought I should just save on the cost and leave-days for Dec or something.. :) Still, the Halloween Event should be quite fun...wonder what the bands will be dressing themselves up as.. ;)
Well, for me it's gonna be 10 days, 5 lives, 4 bands... I'll be really surprised if we don't end up looking like shit by Day 8... XD
The thought of seeing mucc live again makes me all genki!
& listening to [奇跡] on the way back home today, I was suddenly reminded that it'll be the first time I see The Back Horn live and gosh, I'm also really looking forward to that. A lot.
Okay hosay... one more week to the start of [図南の鵬翼]@Sendai!