ムック@日本武道館「球体」, and more! (Part I)
It was an impromptu decision to go watch mucc @ budokan this time round. Why? Well, the timing was good, i was looking for a short break and had mileage to claim anyway. The trip turned out to be fantastic. As for the live... well, it was mixed. Don't misunderstand, i enjoyed the 2nd mucc budokan experience thoroughly. But, if you want my honest feedback, i reckon that their 1st budokan performance was better.
Tour Goods!
Arrived at the live venue about 3h before the scheduled start (2h before they start admitting people into the hall), and what did i see the moment i turned left from the main road? The end of the goods queue!!! So freaking long! So without hesitation i quickly joined it... but woa, it snaked like forEVER. Everyone around me kept going "Goodness!" everytime we turned the corner and saw that the line was longer than we imagined it to be.
Check out the queue! At this point everyone was distracted by a show-off between a roaming cat and the resident crow on the roof of the entrance... the crow won in the end. XD
Stood in line for longer than an hour to finally buy those darn goods, by which time the t-shirts were already sold out. Not that I'd have gotten that though. The best goods i bought was not even a tour goods item... it was the mucc 2009 calendar. It was an absolute riot!!! One member draws a picture for each month, usually a picture representing something that month. Miya's drawings are...are... one-of-a-kind, is all i can say!!! XD!
& in addition to the actual Japanese holidays, they've also flagged out special mucc-related dates, like 69day (of course), the members' birthdates (where each member will draw a cake...Satochi's is the funniest... his cake is in the shape of a nose), and weird dates like "Muffler Day", "Corn Beef Day" (yes you read right!) where the sound of the item matches the date... i can figure some out but not all... like "Natto Day" is easy... Na=7, To=10, so that's 10th July. Then there's "Bike Day" on August (ba=8) 19th (i=1, ku=9). Arrgghhhh... these blokes have seriously nothing better to do! XD XD XD
Tour Goods on sale
(to be continued)
Tour Goods!
Arrived at the live venue about 3h before the scheduled start (2h before they start admitting people into the hall), and what did i see the moment i turned left from the main road? The end of the goods queue!!! So freaking long! So without hesitation i quickly joined it... but woa, it snaked like forEVER. Everyone around me kept going "Goodness!" everytime we turned the corner and saw that the line was longer than we imagined it to be.
Stood in line for longer than an hour to finally buy those darn goods, by which time the t-shirts were already sold out. Not that I'd have gotten that though. The best goods i bought was not even a tour goods item... it was the mucc 2009 calendar. It was an absolute riot!!! One member draws a picture for each month, usually a picture representing something that month. Miya's drawings are...are... one-of-a-kind, is all i can say!!! XD!
& in addition to the actual Japanese holidays, they've also flagged out special mucc-related dates, like 69day (of course), the members' birthdates (where each member will draw a cake...Satochi's is the funniest... his cake is in the shape of a nose), and weird dates like "Muffler Day", "Corn Beef Day" (yes you read right!) where the sound of the item matches the date... i can figure some out but not all... like "Natto Day" is easy... Na=7, To=10, so that's 10th July. Then there's "Bike Day" on August (ba=8) 19th (i=1, ku=9). Arrgghhhh... these blokes have seriously nothing better to do! XD XD XD
(to be continued)