Thursday, March 27, 2008


昨晚接到友人从日本传来的sms,sms开头是: "New album fuckin awesome..."



Fuckin awesome album indeed! マイ タイプ。第一感觉是民族风强+电子摇滚味道。Like I said before, to have 'Flight' sticking out like a sore thumb in this album can only be a good thing, haha hahaha.

「アンジャベル」果然是ミヤ的作品!「志恩」也是!「蝉時雨」编曲比之前在bootleg CD里听到的还棒。

每首都想听live版本。 The spine-tingling sensation of listening to this album can only be surpasssed, I'm sure, by hearing it live.


ps. 他们总是在我最需要的时候出现!

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and hopefully i can join u at the end of the year(?)

Hopefully I can join you too at the end of the year! :)

They've upped themselves again, haven't they? I can't contain my excitement! :) :) :)
Hi, I'm back :) I was out for holidays and then studying for my oral chinese exam.

Nice to see your blog active again :), so I think you like the album, don't you?

When I heard the samples I was a bit worry because they couldn't have chosen worst samples! But after the first listen to the cd (which shock me a bit) it's growing on me, this time it's real what Miya said about that this album will show a new side from Mucc.
I love Semishigure (though I don't like that they have torn down the bass comparing to the live version), Game is also great and Chiisana mado maybe shows the new kind of ballads they will do from now on...On the whole I think it's a quite good album (though some songs are too electronic XD) Now I have one question...where are the Mucc that in Homura Uta's booklet wrote "NO SYNTHESIZER" XDD

By the way, do you know this japanese band? It's not only their look what is similar to the old mucc's...if you want to try them I can send you a link to a direct download

For me, nothing beats the shock when I first listened to Houyoku... maybe I'm biased, but I definitely prefer this album to Houyoku! I do agree that the dance beats were quite disturbing XD... but on the whole (and minus flight) I felt that with the album, the band has progressed yet again, so that's quite commendable! :)

Have you heard the latest news that Mucc will be one of the acts during the May Hide Memorial Lives? (together with Luna Sea, Diru, TMR, etc.) And X-Japan will be performing on that day too! Way cool, Miya must be very pleased :)

Nope, I haven't tried out M yet, any samples and recommended songs would be greatly welcome! :D
yeah, if there is something about Mucc that can't be said is that they stagnate...after this surprise I wonder how the next album will sound (I know I know, the new album was released a couple of weeks ago XD). The only problem I see to this album, is that it will be very difficult to play it at lives unless they use a lot of prerecorded music or they simplify the music (besides the electronic sound, I don't think Miya will play live the guitar solo of 塗り潰すなら臙脂 for example).

X-Japan, Luna Sean, Dir En Grey, Mucc, Hide with spread beaver...though I'm not very fond of all the bands, it looks like a great concert! but it's a bit strange that the concert isn't at the tokyo dome...maybe the members of X-Japan are tired of playing there XD

By they way, seing that they are not going to do an European Tour till 2009+-, do you know if there is any plan to play in any other asian countries? Because I'm planning to go to Beijing for 3-4 months with two classmates to study chinese...and it would be great if I can watch them there!

As for M, here you have a link to their EP , they sound very similar to Mucc (they are like Karimero) and even the voice is very similar to Tatsurou's voice. I specially like the first and the last songs
about your query on their live playing for this album - i had the same question in my mind about the pre-recorded music. already with ame, i'm not altogether comfortable that there's always pre-recorded music when they play it live. Yet, I do like their live performance for that song. Guess it might be like this for the songs on this album too.

I'd really like to see Narasaki & mucc play Shion live though - it seems to be in their setlist quite often during this RTOC tour, so I wonder how they've been handling the percussion so far...

4 May, that's Mucc's anniversary, what a coincidence.

Oh so you'll be in Beijing? Cool! Their plans for 2nd half of 2008 are not out yet... maybe Europe will still be on the radar screen? :P China's a big potential market for them whether they like it or not, so they could do a China live within the next year, who knows? But if you're going to be based in Asia, i'm sure you'll have more chances to catch their lives! :)
I don't think they will come to europe this year (except for the swedish festival)...they probably will tour outside japan again, but not in europe...(I guess they will confirm this soon)
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