Thursday, November 15, 2007

Yes!!! There's No!?

new DVD『MUCC~ライヴ クロニクル~』
2007.11.28 Release!

●2004年10月31日 日比谷野外大音楽堂二〇〇四年秋ツアー“騒乱秋興”
蘭鋳/誰も居ない家/遺書/スイミン/路地裏 僕と君へ/未完の絵画/濁空/幻燈讃歌/暁闇/2.07/ガロ/溺れる魚/悲シミノ果テ/絶望/朽木の塔

●2007年3月5日 SHIBUYA-AX ムック06-07ツアー サイケデリックアナライシス 追加公演決定

●2007年3月25日 La Loco/Paris,France MUCC in EURO 2007

●2007年4月23日 SHIBUYA O-WEST HISTORY OF MUCK 『哀愁』『アンティーク』day
翼を下さい/NO!?/ジレンマ/鎮痛剤 暴走ver.

●2007年5月1日 CLUB CITTA HISTORY OF MUCK 『痛絶』『葬ラ謳』day

●2007年5月9日 STUDIO COAST HISTORY OF MUCK 『是空』『朽木の灯』day

●2007年5月22日 SHIBUYA-AX HISTORY OF MUCK 『鵬翼』『6』day

●2007年6月7日 ZEPP TOKYO HISTORY OF MUCK 『REAL MUCC day #1』「前夜祭」

●2007年6月8日 ZEPP TOKYO HISTORY OF MUCK 『REAL MUCC day #2』「Yahoo! JAPAN×MUCC 全世界同時生中継ライヴ」

Source: Tower Records Jp
So finally, we will be able to get our hands on a decent recording of No!? :)
It's a pity あやとり on『哀愁』『アンティーク』day and ズタズタ on『痛絶』『葬ラ謳』day are not on the track list... those were the two most memorable performances for me during the History of Muck live series. Of course, all of these live performances are gems and muckers, don't even think of missing out on this DVD! :)

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That is sad that there are mostly lives from this year... only one from 2004. But did you see, there'll be some extracts from the Paris live?! .. You went to the "good" concerts. lol But what is the most interesting are the Special days things. Can't wait. ;A;
And new Wu Bai & China Blue concert DVD + CD out on December 15! You can buy it at the concert.

Can't wait to see you, sorry you'll miss seeing the old apartment, but hope you'll like the new one. Sadly, I won't have room for the "Wu Bai Shrine" that I had in the office of the old place, but I'll manage.
I watched it while i was preordering the last single of Jinkaku Radio at Tower Records and I was about to come here to tell you about it, but it looks that you have also seen it XD

Some songs are repeated in the same show, so I guess there will be 8-9 more songs in the dvds. I agree its a shame they haven't included ayatori and I miss kugatsu too, but at least they have included Isho, Oboreru Sakana, NO!? and many great songs. Though I wish the release would just have been all the full history shows instead of including La Loco, Shibuya and the 2004 shows.

Anyways, is a great boxset, with the dvds, the picks, photobook....

By the way, I was surfing through yahoo auctions and I've found some rare mucc items, do you know what they are?

I think that this maybe is "MUCC no hi" dvd?

but I have no idea of what could be those ones:
ey hi again :)

I was reading Zekuu's booklet (I'm writing a mucc article for the spanish wikipedia and I wanted to know who were the compose and made the lyrics for each song) and I've found out that there are some songs that aren't composed by any mucc member: 茫然自失, 悲観主義者が笑う,死して魂 and 嘆き鳥と道化人. Do you know who were the composers and why they use people from outside? I read somewhere that during that times they were about to split, so I guess maybe those persons where people who helped them to continue?
can't wait can't wait! i wonder what the hidden tracks will be like~ i hope there'll be many! :D

hey your new apartment looks good! i've just confirmed my airtic... splurging this time and flying by singapore airlines... anyway i'll be there 13-16 Dec. looking forward to seeing glam rock wubai XD XD XD! & catching up with you of course!

i was so excited i didn't even notice that the towers jp info had double tracks!

so you're ordering the jinkaku radio cd online? seems like that's the only shop that will be selling the cd huh... except yahoo auction i suppose... anyway i'm emailing you separately on the other stuff!
yes, i emailed cdjapan to know if they were going to sell jinkaku's new single since they have sold their all previous releases and their answer was " "Oborozuki"
is exclusive offer at Tower Records Japan for limited time only." so maybe in a few months it will be sold in others sites, but like their releases are usually limited I was afraid that "Oborozuki" will be out of print for that time. It was difficult to find the english guide to shop but i finally made it XD. I ordered the single along with Annys Ltd Cd (what a surprise to find this cd aviable!).

By the way, do you know and can you recommend me any chinese or chinese spoken good rock band? I want to get more used to chinese XD
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