Sunday, June 17, 2007

singapore phenomena

Perfect cool rainy weather outside for a cozy sleep-in tonight. & i really need that... am falling sick... exhausted from the week's work... even weekend gatherings are getting tiring... well, depending on who I'm meeting. If it's one of those get-togethers where everyone else is obsessed with property prices, building that perfect muclear family and accumulating as much wealth as possible, it's dem tiring alright! Narrow-mindedness is no more than deluding yourself that everyone should only be concerned about these objects of desire and that there's nothing else in this world worthy of devoting your time to.

Don't know why, cos it's not really related, but I'm suddenly reminded of a quote from a particular episode of Northern Exposure...the one where Maggie was trying to be nice to everyone but ended up falling sick:

"People are simply incapable of prolonged, sustained goodness."

Man, it's so true.

I can only take so much hee-ing and ha-ing about property prices at work. If my friends start obsessing about them as well, I think i should either truly and honestly join them in their mindset (shudder), or just stop being a nice goody two-shoes and tell them hallo wake up there's more to life than owning a bigger slab of real property and getting your first big buck from a property transaction (*ding ding*... badges of trade alarm ringing!!! XD)

Hey it's suddenly making sense... so it's not my work that's making me fall sick, it's this prolonged, sustained goodness... i need to do something bad!!!
do something bad, not eat something bad! XD
unless i'm a masochist! XD XD

i do like what i'm doing, it's just this obsession with real property prices by people around me that's making me sick XD
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