rats saga

well, first time we found out was one night when i was staying back to complete some work, and i heard some creepy noises coming from my colleague's workstation. it sounded like some paper bag was being constantly torn or crumpled or whatever, so i peeped over thinking that perhaps he's still in office. but noooooo... no sign of anyone left in the office in fact!
so being the scaredy cat that i am, i decided to call it a day and promptly left the office. yes yes yes my balls are as tiny as Yukke's ...pick.
anyway, the next day as i was contemplating with my colleagues whether it was really a rat that i heard, my colleagues saw the culprit scurrying across the passageway! O_o!!! i mean, i swear the rat knows English and knows we're talking about it!!! So of course we called the building management people to come over, and they set up this rat trap over the weekend.
Sure enough, there was a big fat rat in the rat trap on monday. Eerrkkk, disgusting!!! Brownish grey furry fellow, with a long whip-like tail~~~yewl.
But. it.did.not.end.there.
Next day, the first thing that greeted my colleague as she entered her workstation were 2 baby rats! Gosh... and they were newborns! Just the size of a thumb, with no hair.
We panicked. This means there could be a litter elsewhere. And how did these 2 end up on the floor? Did they drop from somewhere? And how many other rats were there!!?!!?
The pest control people searched everywhere but couldn't find anything... until... one smart fella opened up the flaps of the partitions of that colleague's workstation. There was a rat nest there!!! With 2 more babies still alive!
I swear... if you didn't know they were rat babies, u'd think they look rather cute, really. But the truth is, i got goosepimples when i saw those rat babies. What's wrong with this building!!?! I'm on the 22nd floor, for goodness sake! Where are these rats from!?? More importantly, what attracted them here? Are we so unhygienic (but the colleague with the rat nest is one of the cleanest folks around!)??! But there's no exposed food around!
The saga continues... Just last week, they found fresh rat droppings. Urrgghh.. confirms it. There's still at least 1 at large! This time round, they placed some glue mats around.. uknow, those cards with some bait and strong glue on its surface. So far, no success. :(
On a totally unrelated topic...