funny photo i didn't think they will make up again...maybe in the shows of old mucc's they'll sing with the look they had when they released the albums?
By the way, where do you usually buy mucc's cds? because in cdjapan the first press of the new single is sold out and it comes with a poster...
Wow~ it's not only they don't care about their appearance any more, but they don't even avoid looking like old-mucc now! They can be in a variety of ways as long as they are MUCC!!! Oh Yea!
Josu~ Am 100% sure they'll be make up for the antique.aishuu live! :) and for the tsuuzetsu.homura live too :) :)
I'm going to get the single in Japan, cos i'll be there on the release day. Have you tried yesasia? or, you can try emailing cdjapan and asking if they can still get the first press for you?
ps. it's great that they're including the london libra performance in the single normal vers, isn't it! :D
it's cool! i wish i can still get it when we are in japan! i have very bad sleep these few days, keeps wondering if i should go to antique....but leave&$, i have none for both this month T.T
i've sent an email though i dont think i'll get anything and the problem with yesasia is that usually they dont have first presses of the singles but i'll try too.
About the libra...yeah is great! they are treating better and better to outside japan fans, i hope in the future they'll do this kind of things with others parts of the world.
By the way, today i've received my copy of psychedelic analysis...and i can't stop listening 優しい歌...what a great way to end the show! all the memories of london show come to my mind (i suppose this will aslo happen to you :) and i almost find myself singing the last part in my room XDDD
i answer on behalf of scenic :) cuz i always order in yesasia. yesasia do have first press, but the infomation is, for most of the time, not clear!! sometimes it's not stated in the sales catch line, but if you could compare the price and read the discription (which is mainly in japanese) then you can find out which is the 1st press.
i always order before the release day, but i don't do it not very early, i can almost have the 1st press. as long as it's still available, you can have it.
one thing good about ordering in yesaisa is the shipping cost is free if you order more than US$25. $25 will be like ordering 1 album or 2 singles. it's true that the exchange rate is a little higher but still it should be cheaper than ordering in cdjpan or amazon. and sometimes you can get US$5 coupon which you can use in the next order.
but what's bad about it is they never have giveaways like posters. and i find them shipping the products later than they did before!
"but what's bad about it is they never have giveaways like posters. "
yeah, that is what i had in mind when i said that they usually dont have first presses...and now seems that they have read your comment because in the description of mucc's lastest singles is written no poster in english XD though i think there is something weird with this single, because cdjapan dindt include it in the upcoming relases email like they did with the single version that comes with dvd...and i think it always has appeared as sold out in the web.
" i find them shipping the products later than they did before!"
i agree with you, before, at least in my case, the orders always arrived in six days, now the shipping time is usually between 10 and X days...but like you say, still worth to buy in yesasia due to the free shipping, and because for europeans, they ship the orders from germany so is no risk of customs duty.
By the way, the preorder for mucc's new albums is open and the "worst of mucc" sounds very weel "Tenth anniversary collection B-sides and rarities from Mucc and part of the fourth release of Mucc's "10th Anniversary the brilliant" campaign. Contains hard-to-find releases from the band's indies era and more (subject to change). "
Maybe finally we'll have "ayatori", "kokona", "hana" and many other great songs in good quality?
To be frank, I prefer cdjapan, because i value speediness and yeah that's why the shipping costs are higher. & their coupon rebates & point system work well too.
I've had 2 separate experiences for TBH at cdjapan, where i placed my order after they indicated that the "first press" vers. was sold out. Both times they still sent me the first press vers. in the end, so i was very grateful. But i don't know whether that will happen to mucc too... hopefully they'll reply your email... otherwise, i guess as overseas buyers our options are always limited... TOT
Yup, I'll be in Japan to catch the Tsuuzetsu live and hopefully the Antique live too! My Tsuuzetsu ticket is secured but i'm still working on the Antique tic... wish me luck! :)
I like the psychedelic analysis live album too! :) Did you notice, in this album and in the libra single, that at the end they thanked muckers from all around the world? (previously it was only muckers in japan.) aww... XD
aww! how awesome! i love how they are comfortable/proud of each stage of their career. and don't mind doing some old things once in a while X) unlike some bigshots avoiding their visual past -ahem-
oh yea! you might have heard~ apparently they're coming to LA for the jrock festival thing. i was very happy to hear it at first. but now that the initial excitement has died down.....i realized, i really don't want to see any of the other bands....TT_TT can i just get mucc??
well...though i've received an email from cdjapan saying that was sold out, when i have gone to the site there was at least one first press aviable so i was able to add it to my order :) an order full of first press... flight, best of mucc, the back horn...i hope i'll have no problems with the customs like the last time, but i think it'll be a big package due to the posters.
wow you'll go to tsuuzetsu and homura uta day!! great! i think you will see the "final" performance of danzetsu and many others great songs and i hope you can get your ticket for aishuu & antique day, though that concert maybe will be too short, those two eps are great! i suppose that is too dificult to get ticket for this "tour", aren't they?
i've remembered that in other post you said that the real day of mucc hasn't date yet...dont you think maybe they'll do that show the 6-6-7?
as for psychedelic analysis, yeah i noticed too, great thing! by the way, what does mean the kanji that is after supports? they use it like a symbol of the band and i have seen it many times, but i haven't found out what means...and the two others kanjis after for? in the context seems that the first one means mucc and the others muccers or something similar, but who knows
i was also wondering the same thing! as in, how the antique live will be like, since there are not too many songs in the 2 EPs. i wonder if they'll even sing ancient songs like NO??! ??? :O!!!
it's really amazing how much some of these tickets are selling for on yahoo auction... on the average 30,000Yen per ticket! luckily i've got my tics... but the high auction prices only pertain to the antique and tsuuzetsu lives... well, i suppose everyone's very eager to listen to these songs! :)
it looks like real mucc day will be a little later... now that they're going europe again in june... hey, i thought last year was devilish year!!? how come this year seems way more devilish!!! XD
yup, you're right, the first symbol is mucc's symbol (apparently in some ancient alphabet), and the second "mucker". i was also very tickled by how they even put in the middle names of their muccrue, like "Guts" and "Mad Cow". Hey, how come they didn't put "Antonio" for Miya? XD
yeah, this year is going to be a very devilish year XD
i wonder how they'll celebrate it...i wish they would release some kind of boxset with the dvds of the weekly lives...or now that they have been praticing old songs, maybe a rerelease of their indies singles & eps?