Saturday, April 07, 2007

faye wong

Went for a 2.5 hr All-Faye karaoke session with KC.
Ah, shiok.

Her songs took up 21 pages in the catalogue, mind you, so we didn't even manage to choose all the songs we wanted to croon~ XD
But ah, it was still dem shiok.

And it's just amazing how every time the refrain of any song comes on, some memories of your life, during the time when you were listening to that song in your CD player, come floating up as well :)

For a few songs, we had to dig into some rusty corners of our brains to recall parts of the melodies XD
But that can only mean ONE thing!
--> We need more All-Faye Karaoke Sessions!!! :D

Anyway, the session inspired me to dig out all her CDs/DVDs/movies/what not after I got back home. Ah yes, the "fayenatic" (as lovers of Faye's music are endearingly called XD) in me is still alive, it's just hibernating at the moment XD

Curiosity got me checking out Faye's page at Wikipedia too.
Quite a detailed write-up they have there!
& it helped me get updated on some of her recent activities, or rather, non-activities, as sadly she has stopped singing and releasing albums. There's a link there to her husband's blog, so I checked that out too. One of his posts ( was written during the time when the media was furiously reporting about their daughter's condition (their daughter was born with a cleft palate and they had to seek treatment for her in the US). I was deeply moved by the sincerity in his words, and it's admirable that they've set up a foundation, called Smileangel Foundation, in aid of children with cleft lips/palates conditions. Here's a Youtube vid of the fundraising event last Dec:

If Faye should ever start holding concerts again, i'll definitely want to go watch! :)


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