Tuesday, March 20, 2007

ムック ~ First Live in London

「流星」- Underworld, 07/03/19

1. 極彩
2. 嘆きの鐘
3. 空虚な部屋
4. キンセンカ
5. 最終列車
6. 路地裏 僕と君へ
7. 遮断
8. 月光
9. パノラマ
10. リスキードライブ
11. 25時の憂鬱
12. 流星
13. リブラ
14. 謡声(ウタゴエ)
15. 茫然自失
16. 蘭鋳

EN1. 新曲
EN2. 大嫌い
En3. G.M.C

EN4. 優しい歌

~~~Woa, 新曲 alert! What was the new song like?


Oh, thank you so much! Where did you find it? Were you at the concert? They played 25時の憂鬱! /o/
Ah, I can't wait to see them at Paris.
hey i just have come back from london...and i have to say...it was amazing show!! Apart from the songs of the setlist you have put, they also played rave circus, and another instrumental song which i suppose is rave circus 2. The new song should be Touei - 燈映 (the b-side for libras single) and after a great song like libra this new song seemed like a little step back, because it sounded a bit similar to the latest singles from gokusai.
Now i'm a too tired but tomorrow i'll make a better review...just a couple of thing...i got my Tsuuzetsu and Fo Wo Tataeru cds singed by the whole band! (i think i was the only person who got something signed by them) and one of my friends got one of satochis drumstick and other a pick from yukke. I think we were extremely lucky XD

By the way, i took a lot of pics of the concert(30+-) but maybe i wont upload them to my blog before you go to france, but tomorrow i will upload them to megaupload, so if you want, i will give youthe link.
Wow, the live sounded great!!! ^_^ And you got their signatures, that's way cool! How did that happen? Which side of the stage were you on? Were the members in good form? Did Tatsu try any English? oops.. too many questions! :P Anyway i'll definitely want to read your live review... and see your pics too!!!

I'm looking forward to the Paris live too! ^_^ May I ask you, do they admit people into the livehouse based on the queue that forms outside on the day of the live, or are there already numbers on the tickets? Is it advisable to start queuing up early on the 25th?
Actually what i'd really like to know, is whether their live was all that you expected it to be? Did hearing the songs live for the first time live up to your expectations of them?
ey what means お疲れ様でした!?
Well, firstly, if there is anything you dont understand or if i write something wrong, please feel free to ask or correct me because it will help me to improve my english :)

About the signatures, it was all thanks to the german manager (i think he was the boss of gan-shin and was extremely friendly). While everyone was in the queue of the cloackroom i returned to the stage and firstly i asked to one of the roadies if he could give my cd covers to mucc to get signed...he didnt seem to understand english very well and tell me to ask to their japanese manager. This didnt want to give my covers to the band and started putting difficulties saying that the band was very tired, and that if they sing my covers, everybody would like to get autographs so i replyed that we were the only ones who had come from spain and due to this we were a bit specials XD. But nothing, he continued saying no, but suddenly the german guy appeared and tell me "ey wait a moment" took my covers, and after saying something to the japanese manager, the j. manager went to the dreesing room and a few minutes later i have my covers signed :). So if in Paris you see a tall and blond occidental guy in the backstage, you can try the same i did (if you do, it would be cool if you tell him that the spanish fan of london show is very grateful to him!)

Here you have the pics i took http://www.yousendit.com/download/M3BrclVGT01qV0EwTVE9PQ , most of the time i was in front of tatsurou in the 4-5 row, but during panorama, because of everyone was hands up and moving from one side of the venue to the other i endend in front of yukke for a few minutes.

The guys seemed to be in good form and very happy to be there, they appeared into the stage with a big smile, i think they were a bit impressed of hearing how everybody was clapping their hands during rave circus. Although i also have to say that during the concert they made some mistakes specially miya and tatsurou (he couldnt finished the last verse of nageki no kane for example)

They were very communicative but i wouldnt say tatsurou spoke in english...it was more like engrish XD, he said a lot of times "are you fucking ready Rondon" XD "hi we are mucc, did you know that?" and at the end he said they will return next year to london (if they dont come to spain, i will also return!) Also there was a funny moment with the translator machine, because they did a joke...though i think only yukke understand it XD anyways one of my friends recorded it with his movil phone and i will post it when i have it.

About if the concert was like i expected...i would say it was even better of what i expected! even utagoe was a great song XD. I think that even if they had done a horrible concert i would have been extremely happy, because you know, i was like "omg i'm finally seing them live! nothing else matters" XD

Hmm i dont know what else to say XD it was a nice surprise that they played rojiura, bouzenjishitsu, kuukyo no heya, though i miss some songs (not just the old songs, which i think now is quite impossible that they play them) i would have liked to see gerbera, horizont, namonamuki yume, kokoro (though i think they will not play this anymore :()...

The highlights of the concert for me were, the 3 first songs (rave, gokusai, nageki...what a powerful beginning!) saisshuu ressha, panorama, 25ji, libra (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A0gk_BGHo30)
, yasashii uta (they made two extra chorus, to see people singing the "lalala" more time)...well i think the full show was a highlight XD

by the way...can you tell me which is the singature of each one? http://img116.imageshack.us/img116/7470/suc30211am3.jpg i think the first (up left) is from tatsurou...but the rest i have no idea
Well, there aren't numbers on the tickets, unfortunately. It's not the same as in Japan and what we get is random. Anyway, I don't know if one has to be early in front of the Loco. For my part I'm going there about 12:00 after lunch, so 4 hours before the beginning. Do what you want! But notice it'll probably be (very) cold.
The Loco is a small place, so it's indoors that all is decided. I hope that helps you. T_T
hmm i forgot to say, that the full show was recorded and during the new song tatsurou took the camera and sang filming the crow...so i think i will be in their new dvd :) I suppose the dvd will come with the single they'll release in may...or maybe they will release a live dvd from their europe tour...who knows!

in london there were people queing before of the 10 am, though between the 10:00-15:00 i think nobody joined the queue.
Gosh, I don't know where to start because I have so many things to say! XD XD First of all, having your CDs signed by them was definitely awesome! So now they know that someone came from Spain to London to watch them :) And that you bought their 痛絶album!

The signatures are all so clear, it's great! The one on the top left is Miya (with his "killer eye"! XD) The one on the top right is Tatsurou, bottom left is Yukke and bottom right is Satochi (can you make out the 'さとち'?). heeheh.. i love their signatures!

Your pictures are great, thanks so much for sharing them! Looks like you had a good spot during the live (and will definitely be in the DVD i think!) Even just looking at the pictures alone brought out the whole atmosphere of the live.. you even had a picture of the 2 of them with the translator! XD Oh yes, is that the new World Tour T-shirt? Did you manage to get any tour merchandise?

Out of curiosity, was Yukke's pick a special Euro Tour 2007 pick?

So they said they'll be back in London next year? Am very envious of Euro muckers! ;_; They will never come to Singapore i think...TOT

Hearing your comments about the new song, i guess i'll keep my expectations low XD

Heehee... if I were you, I would find trouble concentrating at work/study this whole week :) :D XD
Thanks so much for the information! :)
I really don't know what to expect for the Paris live, since it's also my first time in Paris, so i hope i can navigate my way around. I have to pick up my ticket at FNAC Champs Elysees first, so will probably get to the livehouse later. Still, i think i'll be happy just to have to chance to be there to watch the live, even if i end up at the back.. keeping expectations lower is good! :) Most importantly, hope the members will be in good condition that day! Did you watch them the last time they were at La Loco? How was the live then?
if it is ok with you, could you drop me an email at scenictour69@yahoo.com.sg? there is something i want to send to you but it is not convenient to put it up here.
yeah, i hope now they have realized that there are jrock fans in spain (though not too many XD), forgot to say that also one of my friend was able to give the cd of his band (singapore fish) to mucc!. This happend while we were queueing, and some people of the crew did a few interviews, so when they were near to us, he said "ey i come from spain and i have a present for mucc, the cd of my band", the answer was "from spain eh, well i'll give it to them".

About the photo of yukke and tatsurou with the translator, after that came the joke that according to some poeple was tatsurou saying "have you ever climbed the fuji?" XDD

Yukke's pick has something weird written on it, but now i dont remember what, but it wasn't anything from the tour, i'll tell you when i know, and yes that its the new world tour tshirt (i think the front logo is veeeeery similar to the metallica one). There were other 2 types of tour tshirt, but they were for the mucc & balzac tour, and also there were the 2 shirts that are on the sixinc megastore (the 7stars black and 7stars white). I put here a pics of the shirts i bought (try to buy the shirts before the show, because in london all shirts were sold out)



The other merchandising were, the plain edition of gokusai, a poster of the tour (the image is the one that is on the horizont single), a photobook and a headphones and light pen (what kind of merchandising of a music band is this?? XD) of sixinc trademark.

Luckily i finished my english exam past friday and now i have nothing to do for a few days (it seems they put the dates of my exams on purpose so i can go to the show XD) so i can spend some days just remembering the show xD

email sent :)
You're welcome!
About the audience, it is the same as every western ones. There will be a lot of those VK fans. :/ And it's almost sold out. Oh, the Champs Elysées are not too far from the Loco. (and I don't know if you already know but to be at the Loco, you've to go to the Blanche station in the underground)
In any case, as I've already said, even if you get at the end of the queue, inside you could have a good place. (?) But yes, keeping expectations lower is good!!
So do I. Hope the weather won't be too cold and windy. Well, I didn't see them the last year, in 2006. But I saw them the first time they went to Europe, in 2005. The live was really good, they are very powerful. They were doing the promo for Homura Uta french release.
Well, don't know what to do. It helped me to actually fall in love with them.
(sorry for english mistakes T__T)
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