2.24: サイケデリック アナライシス 新木場STUDIO COAST
The livehouse is relatively big - it can take about 2,000 in the audience, including 2F seated audience. 新木場 itself, besides the livehouse, has... nothing! I mean... seriously, even its Lotteria was already closed before 9pm! Shinkiba's like the last stop on the Rinkai and Metro lines that go there, away from all the hustle and bustle..the best place, one might say, for a livehouse? I must say, it does feel rather good to see the place getting all crowded with muckers, as if it's the muckers that have come to bring life to this 鸟不生蛋 place... on the other hand, it's nice to be able to pop into a nearby 居酒屋 after a live to toast the night away, instead of having to first take a train ride back to civilization.
Anyway, back to the story. Went back to the livehouse at around 4+pm to grab tour goods. Alas, the M-size black Tour T-shirt was already sold out! First day of their 2-day lives in Tokyo, and it's sold out?!! T_T It wasn't long before the goods table got carted back in as the staff got ready to call the audience in.That's how they indicate which number they're calling into the livehouse, cos it's a sizeable audience so the waiting area outside is quite large. Poor guy flipping the numbers got laughed at everytime he flipped a page wrongly... ^^;
But it was soooo coooolllllldddd!!! Almost unbearable when you've locked all your stuff in a locker and you're waiting outside in T-shirt & pants...brr!!!
Finally got myself into the livehouse and chose to stand in front of the PA, which is at the back of the block of audience directly in front of the stage. Studio Coast has a broad stage, and its 1F audience space is also stepped. Many muckers who wanted to get a better view rushed to 'chope' the first row of each 'stepped space'. (psst yuj: i was standing next to 古典美人! But later on she moved to the back...还算跟她蛮有缘的嘛!)
Then.... lights out! Live starts!
1. (SE) レイブサーカス
喜欢这个SE! Tatsurou was in his oversized white T, looking as cool as ever. Miya in the checked outfit.
Apparently the 3 in front were barefoot again.
2. 極彩
Green lasers! And the backscreen came alive. First time I'm seeing a show like this for mucc!
This tall guy who ended up standing to my left (thankfully not in front) started pumping his fist into the air and jumping. Hardcore fan yea!!!
3. 嘆きの鐘
Setlist following the order in the album. 『カラカラ哭いた』part was the most heart-wrenching.
4. 絶望
Squeals from the audience when the intro came on. 絶望。。。希望。。。words floating up the background screen. Everyone in the audience started jumping!
5. どしゃぶりの勝者
2nd time hearing this live... surprised they've included it so often in their setlists.
6。 キンセンカ
I really didn't expect this to be the first song during the live to move me. It wasn't particularly one of the songs in the album that left a deep impression, but during the live, the band, and in particular Tatsurou, gave a top-notch rendition.
7. ガーベラ
Miya's guitars were awesome.
MCTatsurou: 「ムックです。」
Audience: YEAHHHHHHH!!!...some other Tatsurou-らしい MC =)
8. 蘭鋳
A favourite with the audience...always gets the audience hyped up once the intro comes on.
9. 月光
I gotta say more about the performance of this song.
They had some of the key lyrics floating on the backscreen (they were a bit more selective in the lyrics that appeared onscreen...they had these lyrics appearing at very apt moments, quite unlike previous times when they put up full lines of the lyrics). The overall effect was really solid. The band was excellent in this one... one of my favourites for the live. Surprised to find tears filling up my eyes at the end.
10. パノラマ
Again, 'strategic' lyrics appeared on the screen, as did a scene of a long road ahead.
Tatsurou was utterly sincere in this one. Serious rendition but not over-doing it.When 「僕「等」の夢は終わったのかな?」came up on the backscreen and Tatsurou sang it to the audience, it just felt so... 心酸。
Audience joined in the shouting of "riskyyyyyy driveeeee" and "crazyyyyyy babyyyyyy" parts. Miya looked like he was enjoying the chorusing a lot XD
The audience seemed to love this rock-&-roll piece. Tatsurou growled into the mike, haha.
13. レイブサーカスPart 2
Unfortunately, I do not remember much about this, except that it caught me by surprise and i was wondering what this piece was. It was good!
14. 25時の憂鬱
What can I say... I was looking forward to this one, Green lasers shooting out from the stage to the audience amidst a darkened livehouse. Yukke's new upright bass filling up the hollow spaces in the air... interlacing itself with the echos from Satochi's drums... the audience was totally still....and mersmerized.
The Quattro performances had more raw energy, more musical tension in the air, while the performance at Shinkiba felt more polished and professional. Both were equally memorable.
With the upright bass, Yukke can't move around as freely, but then he has this special way of slanting it towards Satochi when he's playing, especially at the climatic moments. It was a pleasure a watch and listen to him, really.
15. ホリゾント
Perhaps it was because the audience was still recovering from 25時, or perhaps it's just not a live favourite amongst the audience, but the response to this song was not that great. Only a spattering of hands outreached into the air. Saw Miya look/peek up to observe this. Remember thinking to myself, this song is probably not going to end up in their future setlists.
Is it possible to decide on a setlist without taking into consideration how the audience will react? Not possible huh.
16. 流星
The "hand" from the PV appeared on the backscreen. Growing to like hearing this song live.
During the MC, Tatsurou mentioned that he likes this livehouse a lot. He can't quite pinpoint why, but he just likes it a lot, so he's really glad they have an opportunity to perform here for 2 nights. (ne... i like this livehouse a lot too... from the audience's point of view, it may be big but it's still possible to get good views even if you have a late entry number, cos the audience space is broader and shallower than other livehouses.)
17. 謡声
Egad, PV scenes popped up on the backscreen! Made me squirm for a moment there!
But the audience loves this song, and i think so do the band members during lives, cos the song just exudes 笑顔+阳光。
18. 夢死
The live intro (Miya's guitars and Tatusurou's voice) was very interesting!
Absolutely love this song.
19. スイミン
Standard live number..
20. 夕紅
I'm definitely starting to like this live. A song that has the audience smiling as they're jumping along with the music.
21. リブラ
First impression of the verses... heavy Jay Chow???!! Don't beat me... but yeah, it was rappish but with a heavier feel... the chorus had ascending notes of the scale... and strong chorus backing... While the song itself didn't quite speak to me at first listen, I liked how the members performed it. I always like how mucc performs a new song with lots of intensity and raw energy.
Encore 1
"Sweet episode" where Tatsurou fed Yukke with a sweet, from this bowl of individually-wrapped sweets. Later Tatsurou threw most of the sweets into the audience... then Yukke wanted to get the sweet out of his mouth and initially wanted to spit it out into the audience... XD... but Tatsurou went ダメ!!! Yukke later spit it into a tissue provided by a staff...
Tatsurou also mentioned about how the members room for Studio Coast (this livehouse) was so glamorous... and how there's like a pool behind or something... ah... no wonder he likes this place lah!
1. 娼婦
I noticed this piece didn't become a 'regular' piece on the setlist until the recent few tours? Anyway, I'm not complaining!
2. 大嫌い
One of the rare pieces during this live that had diving. But hey that's expected for this song, right?
3. 名も無き夢
Satochi's turn to bring the house down!!!
Encore 2
1. 優しい歌
Tatsurou came out with his harmonica, smiling. All the members appeared pleased too... When the song came to the ラララ portion, all the members joined in, as did the audience... then it became acapella...mmm... nice feeling to hear ♪ラララ resounding through the hall... at some part Tatsurou stopped singing and we only heard Miya... then Miya went 「オイ声出せよー!」
And it was just the audience singing, with the members listening... woa...
Then finally it was the last refrain and we had to say bye-bye... and Tatsurou muttered into the mike: 「また明日~」
It was about 8.30pm when the live ended... more than 2 hours of solid mucc live performance... but why does every mucc live seem so short to me? ^^;
Time passes by so fast when you're enjoying yourself~★