Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Back from Cambodia

Just returned from a 5-day trip to Cambodia. Tiring but shiok. Angkor Wat was indeed magnificent. Will blog and reply comments later... mata ne! :)


isn't the picture, from the same place of the ending of the movie "in the mood for love"? In the movie seemed to be a very beautiful and peaceful place
yup, angkor wat was indeed where tony leung whispered his secret into a hole before sealing it up forever... it was such a haunting movie, don't you think? :)

maybe i should also have whispered some of my secrets into the angkor walls... :o)
yeah great movie, the music, the acting, the cinematography, the walks of Maggie Cheung to buy the food...hmm i think i will watch it again soon XD

by the way, do you see somebody whispering something? or do you know if people really do that?
and is angkor wat as beautiful as it seems?
Yes, it was really beautiful... especially during sunrise, sunset and during the times when there weren't so many tourist groups around. i hope to put up more photos soon once i'm done tidying them up! :)
I've been there twice but still like to go agian, it's truly a beauty. Childs have lovely eyes and smile. But found the town has changed a lot in the second trip, hotels sprouts everywhere, even hip hotels, it may take not very long to find the laidback feel of the town vanished forever.
wow, twice! that's really cool! both were working trips?

i find siam reap itself awfully touristy. on the other hand, it is thriving mainly because of angkor wat.

i liked phnom penh actually...surprisingly there's pretty authentic cuisine (both khmer and others) to be found there!

ps. just came back from psychedelic analysis studio coast live! i have so much i want to say but am so tired... 25ji this time was a totally different feel from quattro... not in a bad way, but just different, more polished, less of that tension in the air. i promise to write more when i get back!
i thought you'll be back tomorrow!
so, well come back and have a good rest.

waiting to hear more about the finale. tell me how's the 優しい歌sound like in live!

the stage looked great in pictures!

yes, both trips to siam reap were for work, i did enjoy it a lot but i really wish i can have more time in Angkor.

when i came back from there the first time, i've read some blogs and found out quite some people bought a one week pass and stayed there for a whole week. they stayed in a simple b&b, and visited the temples every morning, and rested in the garden of b&b in the midday hottest hours, then went out for the temples again in late afternoon and not returned until dark. i envied them so much and fancied having such a trip one day for myself. but i really not sure if such kind of b&bs could exist in such a hotel boom there today.

i don't have a chance to phnom penh yet, and i actually have no idea what is authentic food there, don't feel like to eat at all in such hot weather.

scenic, when we one day finally could spare some day-offs from going-live, we really should have some real travel!!
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