Friday, December 15, 2006


Yuj, Monet & June brought me to "Little Fat Sheep" at Tsim Tsa Shui when i popped by Hong Kong some weeks back.

oooooh... just looking at that soup makes me salivate
That's the spicy soup on the right and the herbal version on the left. They use the herbal soup stock to replenish both types of soup, so towards the end the spicy soup wasn't so spicy after all. It was still fragrant, though!
Rolls & rolls of lamb meat! They're fab after you dip them into the soup and all the soup essence gets absorbed into the meat...

Too bad i got so caught up with the good food & conversation, i didn't take pics of any other of the food items. Besides the fish chunks, which were a bit tough to bite into (even if you dip it into the soup for a short time), the rest of the ingredients were really tasty!

Here's the company website: 小肥羊 website (warning: loud chinese music!)
The restaurant stems from Inner Mongolia, and it became rather popular in China before it started opening shops in the region... in fact, they just opened their first shop in Japan, in Shibuya (near Quattro, haha!) Here's a pic of the Shibuya shop:

Wonder when it'll come to Singapore?


That spicy side looks like ma la huo guo. Ummmm, love that stuff. I know a great place to take you next time you're in Taipei!
i'll look forward to that, then! :)
the soup for little fat sheep is not as hot, though... the tongue doesn't seem to get numb so fast! XD
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