Monday, September 04, 2006

久违了,伍佰& China Blue!Part II

So... now where was i ... oh yeah, now on to Wubai & China Blue's part of the live!
First person we saw on stage was 大猫. Lookin' cool and as usual, in black.
another man appears...
in a black suit...
cooing to the strains of...


The entire setlist didn't spring too many surprises (and was generally too short!;)), and the sound system left much to be desired, but the band rocked the whole house down, that's for sure! In fact the most awkward moment was when they left the stage to the DJ to spin his stuff. For a moment there, I panicked and wondered how much airtime they were gonna give the DJ chap... haha, o yeah, that reminds me, Dino did this mock-spinning motion with his cymbals that cracked me up.

The gems of the evening to me were 白鸽(where 大猫once again performed an awesome solo), and 真世界。YES!!!!! It's been a darn long time since I heard 真世界 live! I love this song!!!!! BH and I were jumping up and down like some xiao zhar bohs, muahaha...
*feels satisfied*

Didn't see any support guitarist this time round...

伍佰 die for...

Right before 爱情限时批,伍佰 took a jab at the first row audience (who were still SITTING DOWN!) by saying, hey, now you guys in the front row should be able to stand up and get rocking with this song, cos I expect all you guys to know it well, right?! hahaha... 伍佰brand humour... they should trademark it, y'know!

Final song before the encore was 浪人情歌。Y'know, despite it being played to death and how it may not be particularly 伍佰's favourite song, everytime it comes on, i'm sure it tugs at the hearts of many in the audience. I know it did for me this time. He was going on the soliloquy bit rather deliberately this time round. luv it.

Encore was 爱你一万年。 I know it was PN's first time seeing Wubai live and i hope she liked it, especially this song (cos i was afraid she might not know that many of Wubai's songs). I think she did. :)

Final encore was a collab between the 2 performers. So 伍佰&team + 张震岳&team sang 爱拼就会赢 together. how much more bala can it get???!! the ultimate, siah!!! *swipes nose*

And that was it.

Later we saw the bandmen go off in their vans cos David had parked his car at the carpark there (way to go, David & Tona!). 张震岳lazily made a V-sign to us in the van, catching BH by surprise :) Besides (a very good lookin') Dino coming over to say hi to Marla, I didn't catch sight of anyone else, really. Then the whole lot of us trooped down to Kovan to eat Nasi Lemak & Hokkien noodles XD XD XD

And that finally was it.

Sigh. When's the next 伍佰& China Blue live gonna be? Will there be a concert tour next year after the new album in Oct?
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