Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Met 2 separate groups of ex-colleagues for lunch + dinner today.
Realized that yeah.. I still get along much better with them.
These are the people from the job that I just left.
I don't envision talking on the same wavelength with my current team.
Especially not that hostile one who shows me a black face all the time.
Why is she so bitter? I have no freaking idea. Loosen up, sista. Everyone's just trying to earn a living here, let's live through each day merrily, what's so difficult about that??

Sigh... I think I've 发泄 to almost all close friends by now about how I'm trying to adjust to the strange culture around the new workplace...
I can live with the fact that people don't go out for lunch but eat in their own cubicles instead...
I can live with the fact that the organization is not keeping up with technology (even basic things like giving IDD access to a team that deals with overseas clients... can you imagine, we're using phonecards??! Duh!!!)...
Heck, I can even live with the fact that people number their paragraphs in their emails (even internal ones!)...
I can't stand having to face bitter people around me.

Well. Having to lunch alone means I've got more time to catch up on that stack of books piling up at home. But this week, I've been distracted by... Deathnote! Perhaps it was the launch of Part I of the movie that prompted me to pick up from where I left off in the manga (that was when L... y'know...) I'm liking the re-reading (from Vol 1 again) plus on-reading the plot involving M and N. I haven't read the ending yet...and just found out today about this! I'm very interested in No. 6!!!

L's still my favourite character. :)
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