666 - Part II of II
~Bouquets Galore!~

Super-sweet of muccrew to send a buoquet ^^

Some keywords---just for memories' sake--- 1皆1排4位obasans,yuj的69座位,Arena A5 block good seats!, platforms破裂TOT,朽木の塔的震撼,ramps stretching far back along both sides, setlist quite apt as world tour's finale, with 3 main parts to it, lyrics on-screen, 3 '6' banners rising as the backdrop, タツ坐着猛搓黑脚板,Yukke skipping along the side ramps, satochi drum solo, "who's watching mucc for the first time?", whole budokan mucc-dancing is a wonderful sight, Yukke black gum tape entrance, "everyone now knows mucc", clasps hands together when introducing Miya, Yukke hurt his leg, Miya helped him go backstage, video footage, *gasp* 69days tour!, last song was new song, satochi relieved his drumsticks went far.