My Date with the Hospital Part II
I officially declare this week "Scenic Visits the Hospital Repeatedly Week".
It comes in close with "Scenic Gets Sent Running All Over Hospital to Find her Missing File Week".
I officially declare this week "Scenic Visits the Hospital Repeatedly Week".
It comes in close with "Scenic Gets Sent Running All Over Hospital to Find her Missing File Week".
So tired...
And is it true? The first sign that age is catching up with you is when the nurses start pre-fixing your name with "Madam"??? They never used to do that! Am so not used to hearing that, I almost missed my name being called...
And because of all this hospital stuff, I had to give up on free tickets to Krrish's world premiere. Shiiiitttt. World premiere!!! *grumbles. I mean, it's totally not worth it because the lousy MO they assigned to me was so presumptious and made the whole visit such an uncomfortable experience. I'm not even sure whether the "ear toilet" thing was really effective.
Photos to cheer me up:
1 June @ Tokyo
1 June @ Tokyo


Mugs Shot

[流星] gets No. 1 spot @ Towers Shibuya