666 - Part I of II
Guitars, guitars, guitars! @ 明大通り
At Budokan! Here's the tent that you need to visit to exchange for the cover parade album/mini. The guy in blue looks so serious in directing the crowd...(what crowd?)
Look at the stack of cover parade CDs on the right!
The infamous INSANITY SAUCE hanging in the wind...
hahahaha...:) :D
The four trading card machines... everyone was allowed only 3 tries, but even with that restriction in place, the cards were the first goods to be sold out!
That's the complete set of trading cards... which they displayed for us to see... after the cards were sold out... orz...
YEAH!!! Tatsu-supporters!!! These chaps were hilarious... as they were walking along the street, they shouted out loud the likes of "ムック最高!" and "タツ Yeah!". A number of muckers in the crowd responded with loud cheers. :) And check out their jerseys! I think they must be Tatsu's pals, cos as it turns out, they were seated at the 関係者section of the first row of 一階. After the live, as we were exiting, we saw them again. This time, it was even funnier XD XD... as they were moving amongst the crowds (in the opposite direction, as they were heading backstage), they said out loud "やっぱり...ムック最高!!!"... 这种一心想帮ムック做宣传的行为,我。。。
喜欢!!!XD XD XD
As it grew closer to the 进場time, the crowd grew in numbers... (excitement in the air!)
One of the best 朽木の灯cosplayers I've seen... the complete line-up too... ooh yes, even the attitude they exude in their poses match the originals!