Thursday, April 06, 2006

There was a flash mob at Raffles Place today!!!

(A flash mob happens when a group of strangers gather at a certain place, do some common act that has no particular meaning, then disperse... a very good explanation of what it is and its history can be found at the all-wonderful Wikipedia... Of course, in this time and day, organizing a flash mob is helped very much by the internet & emailing!)

Pic of Flash Mob in Paris, May 2004

Apparently, today's flash mob started at around 9am... just appear at Raffles Place, then at 9am, everyone starts clapping for something like a minute or so, then disperse!

My brother called me in the afternoon to tell me about it... man... wish I had known about it earlier... I'd have joined in! Why so? Well, I just like the idea... people who don't know each other, coming together to do something, then... leave! No need to say hi! No need to say bye! But we all know we're here for one purpose, muahaha!

Sure, on this island, public demonstrations of 4 bodies or above may warrant an arrest. Where would you place flash mobs then? These are harmless acts, no? Demonstrating nothing but creativity & a sense of fun, no? Not everything that is organized has a political agenda, right? I say, bring them on!

At the end of the day, it's also something that's just plain FUN! I heard that one of the previous flash mobs held in Singapore occured at Citylink a few years ago, titled somewhat suitably: "Matrix Revisited". The idea was to gather at Citylink, wait for this anonymous chap to bounce a basketball 5 times, afterwhich everyone is supposed to FREEZE in their tracks... until that chap starts bouncing the basketball again. muahaha... it must have been fun, siah!

Gonna cho-cho my brother to come up with some hairbrain idea for the next one!!!

Actually, come to think of it... isn't the audience at a live concert somewhat like a flash mob? XD XD XD We gather together at a place (the live venue), do something together (mucc dance! hand actions! shout a previously-agreed encore chant!), then... disperse!

Me Love Flash Mobs! <3
u seem to be gg thru an "evil" phase yah... all this "muahaha"-ing?? @.@ can just imagine u rubbing ur hands tog & flashing a witchy smile when saying that! >.< ah qiu
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