我上次看他們的live﹐是好幾年前的事了...兩年前Indoor Stadium的live, 我剛好在澳洲讀碩士學位﹐無法參與﹐所以回想起來﹐好像最後一次看他們的live, 是在2001年...(有那麼久了嗎!!?)
Their recent releases haven't quite struck the same chord in me as their previous albums, although technically they have certainly improved (and they weren't shy to display that in last night's live...there were quite a number of guitar solos & guitar changes..including a double-neck and a zither-like instrument..wonder if they were just trying to prove a point here..). They were also supported by a good & gregarious guitarist, Zhang Guoxi, as well as a bunch of cute roadies ;D XD
That said, I still love many of their works.. I like how they made new arrangements to their earlier songs for the live performance.. it's been a good many years of growing up with their music playing in the air, and yeah, I'm still very much appreciative of that. :)
我上次看他們的live﹐是好幾年前的事了...兩年前Indoor Stadium的live, 我剛好在澳洲讀碩士學位﹐無法參與﹐所以回想起來﹐好像最後一次看他們的live, 是在2001年...(有那麼久了嗎!!?)
Their recent releases haven't quite struck the same chord in me as their previous albums, although technically they have certainly improved (and they weren't shy to display that in last night's live...there were quite a number of guitar solos & guitar changes..including a double-neck and a zither-like instrument..wonder if they were just trying to prove a point here..). They were also supported by a good & gregarious guitarist, Zhang Guoxi, as well as a bunch of cute roadies ;D XD
That said, I still love many of their works.. I like how they made new arrangements to their earlier songs for the live performance.. it's been a good many years of growing up with their music playing in the air, and yeah, I'm still very much appreciative of that. :)