Thursday, November 24, 2005

On the new album again...

Sorry that I keep harping on the album, but all day i've been obsessing about it...peering into the albumsleeve to read the faintly-printed lyrics while riding to work in the crowded MRT...sneakily plugging in my earphones when i'm at my desk...mind drifting off to Houyoku-land during meetings...[モンスター] ringing in my mind almost the whole day...sigh........... story of my life.............

But you know... i love how songs change so much upon first listen, second listen, when you're not reading the lyrics, when you're examining the lyrics, when you concentrate on the vocals, bass, drums, guitars separately, when you concentrate on the flow of the album, when you recall the lives, when you imagine how the rest would sound like live, when you think about how the band would perform the songs live, when you think about how the songs came about...this is like one freaking paragraph already!!!!!!

Anyway. Just wanted to say that one good thing about this album is they're definitely exploring new styles and whether it fits one's cup or tea or not, I appreciate the effort that's gone into making this a well thought-out album. Seriously,.. it's not disappointing in that respect.
It is healthy for bandds to try new styles and sounds. I know American rock is very bad about getting stuck into one sound and it gets very boring after 10 albums, so, maybe MUCC wants to see what other styles they are good at instead of sticking to just one sound.

Gah, still waiting for my copy of album to get here. Hope you are having god weekend.
Yeah... i have no problems with bands changing, totally agree with you that growth entails change :) i guess I'm just worried about just what is it that has changed, or what they change into...
yeah, it is kind of bothersome, because I never want to see MUCC try to change to make people happy. I want them to change to what makes them happy, if they enjoy making music, then it shows, but if they are just doing it to get popular, then their music will suffer because they are not really enjoying the music.
I hope they stay true to themselves.
You're so right..I couldn't have expressed it better!!!

Even though they've changed...after listening to the album...i gotta say... I like it.

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