Sunday, October 16, 2005

早前對這次mucc autumn tour的setlists感到好奇﹐因為tour不但長達2+月﹐也處在pre-single, post-single-pre-album 跟 post-album三種不同階段.
我想 pre-single 跟 post-single-pre-album 的setlist應該沒什麼分別吧...不過post-album 三場應該是著重于新album的歌吧﹖

整理了到現在為止mucc autumn tour「図南の鵬翼」的setlists 看一看... (這個網頁我會儘量隨tour的進展做update)

由淺藍寫的是沒聽過的新album歌曲. 每場都5-6首.

舊歌當中﹐每場都有的是: 絕望﹑大嫌い﹑商業思想狂時代考偲曲﹑ママ﹑スイミン﹑名も無き夢﹑前へ﹑蘭鑄.
今年發過的singles當中﹐每場也排了: ココロノナイマチ﹑雨のオーケストラ.

(原來從去年album被列入'live favourite'的唯一一首是[名も無き夢], 預料之中吧. 我也不介意再次看miya傳圈圈! ^^)

看來還是沒機會聽得到... 廃ロバートのテーマあやとり花家路アカ夜断絕ズタズタ夢の街(一口氣說嘛﹐標點符號就不放了! :P)
I;m confused. Did they change it?

oops, sorry i confused you! don't worry about it, i was just curious about the tracks they're selecting for their setlists during this live tour... so far, out of about 20 songs for each live, about 5-6 are from the new album, and about 10 older songs consistently appear. So the remaining 5 songs would vary from live to live.

But seeing how long the tour is, they might change the setlists quite substantially as it goes along, especially for the last 3 lives, after the new album release. heehe...guess I'm just curious about their choices, and whether there might be a few surprises along the way =)
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