Wednesday, September 28, 2005

I've realized that nowadays after I get back home from work, I'm usually too lazy to do any internet surfing and blogging and emailing.. I wonder why, really.. is surfing really a fad that's waning? or are there fewer and fewer sites worth visiting? Have I run out of the desire to express myself? Or perhaps it's just prolonged staring at laptop screens that's making me put off from staring at one after work. (now TV screens, that's different! :0))

Or perhaps it's just all this hype about blogging nowadays that's putting me off the whole thing. I mean, once upon a time, blogging was a personal thing that allowed the blogger a channel of expression and the bloggee an avenue into the blogger's mind. But now, it's like the IN thing, or something anyone who is in the know should be doing. Or whatever. Blah. Just brings the joy out of blogging, if you ask me.

The only thing I know I am really behind and wanna buck up on is emailing. I really should, and I do want to. Especially keeping in touch with friends who are already so hard to come by nowadays.

scenictour blogging @ work
thot u dropped off d face of earth =P

don't think it's only d prolonged staring @.@.. also d trigger-finger, cramped-wrist, n frozen-shoulder effects. these make me stay off my Mac at home.

anyway, after 8+ hours in-front-of-d-laptop at work.. afterhours should be reserved for other stuff!! like catching up with reading... friends... family...

@.@ ah qiu
I have noticed a lot of people using their blogs to get famous, or even more annoying....famous people using blogs to ....well, I have no idea what they are doing..........But the internet has its' ups and downs........It's always more interesting at first, than wanes a bit...........But new things on the internet always happen eventually! Just glad to see you are blogging again.

i guess it's hard to suppress the desire to express oneself... so yup, continue blogging i shall! (& yoda-speak YEAH! XD)
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