Tuesday, July 05, 2005


Work stuff>>>>>
I find that I'm spending a lot of time at work explaining to people the need to learn to work based on a set of principles as opposed to working based on a set of rules. Too many people seem to be accustomed to working around a set of rules that have been laid out to them. Now while this is all well and dandy, the problem arises when you meet with variations around the current situation, when you find that you can no longer apply the same set of rules to the new situation. When you fail to see the principles behind the rules, you'll be stuck where you are. But if you have at least a hint of what were the fundamental principles behind the rules, then not only can you come up with creative solutions around the problem, you can also use them as the basis on which to argue changes to the rules.

It's a give-and-take, actually. With rules, you have certainty but it's rigid. With principles, you retain the flexibility, but yes, you would most definitely have to live with a degree of uncertainty. (definitely uncertain.. haha, i like that) But I'm not asking you to abandon the certainty. No, by all means, adopt the rules for like perhaps 80% of the situations, but for the remaining 20%, where there's a need to propose tweaking the rules so that they make more sense, please, DO so.

After-work stuff>>>>>
Didn't get the chance to get Neil Gaiman's signature in the end..:( You just can't beat people who had the whole day to wait in line lah.. I heard the queue started since early afternoon! By the time I got down to Kinokuniya (which was about 7.40pm..too late, i know! *sob*) the queue had snaked all over the store.. I even had difficulty locating its tailend! Then an announcement came on about how they have stopped the queue and I knew my chance had died.

Couldn't even get the latest Bleach Vol 17 because Kino hadn't brought in the Taiwan version yet! So there I was staring miserably at the Chuangyi version...but no... i shall resist the temptation... buying the Singapore version now will ruin my whole collection...must resist, resist...>_<

No FM Aug Issue at Kino either... guess I'm just being too kan cheong... the mucc pages in this issue look great, though.. was looking at the scans (put online by a muccer), and the first thought that ran through my mind was: "gosh, Miya-kun looks quite different nowadays." Couldn't quite pin-point what it was.. the hair? features? expression? glow?? anyway... i think i should get my butt to the autumn lives asap... before they change so much that i stop recognizing them (mucc, not my butt).. :_)
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