2005~Year of Distraction?

The Barks website has been recently updated with a 7+min interview withミヤ, cross-interview with Balzac (their first live together was tonight!) and some sample clips from the History DVD and Roppongi Live CD.
Click on the picture to get to the Barks page, or click here. Is it possible to save streaming clips like these?
Sigh. Why did they have to re-release the Roppongi Live CD in the stores with those additional 2 tracks??! Grr. Unlikely I'll purchase the 1/26 CD.. well, at least for the moment. Need to allot the money for other purchases *sheepish look* I was rather intrigued by the clip in the History DVD where a 合唱團sang [君に幸あれ] with ムック (& Yukke as main conductorrrr!^_^). Didn't know the song could be sung in this way before! In fact, didn't expect any of ムック's songs to be sung this way! Everytime the clip comes out I get goosebumps. Not the "shudder" kind of goosebumps, but the "man.. mucc's song sung in choral-style!!!" kind of goosebumps. Awesome. They even harmonized at all the right places! Would be great to hear a recording of that session.